Free Why I Deserve College Scholarship Essay Sample

I chose to acquire an advanced level education because it does provide people with relevant information that relates to the field of interest and it grants us a chance to achieve leadership positions such as managers, instructors and leaders in our future careers in private and public sectors.

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I am a young American citizen who is not able to meet all my education financial requirements. I have completed my school where I was able to obtain a GPA 3.53. I am intending to a full time college student and I could utilize any help possible to pay for school so which is a major reasons as to why am applying for a scholarship. In the future, I aspire to become a leader in one of the leading institution in the world. The philosophy of people helping people or business professional leaders of tomorrow scholarship will thereby help me to advance already acquired skills at my previous school a level of perfection and application. The scholarship will also grant me a chance to practice and polish my leadership skills as will be required in my future position in my field of interest.

To enhance my leadership skills, I have participated in various volunteer activities such as Ring Dance, Pop Warner football concession and jamboree, Camps teaching softball skills and Toys for Tots at CHKD Hospital. Because of these experiences, I feel an irresistible impulse to challenge myself once more, to acquire more knowledge with respect to the application of modern developments. My efforts in extracurricular activities have made me obtain awards such as MVP softball, All District pitcher of the year, Offensive and Defensive awards. My academic excellence has also enabled me to achieve the National Honor Society, National Scholars of America and the Academic Scholar of Chesapeake.

With the help of the Scholarship, I will be able to meet the high costs of the program. Therefore, I am applying for this scholarship to enable me study without interruptions. I look forward to hear from you, thanks in advance.


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