Free Hybrid versus Regular Cars Essay Sample

The main difference between hybrid cars and regular cars is determined by the composition of the engine. Regular cars may also be called traditional cars in the context of these differences. Regular cars have their engines powered by the gasoline combustion processes. The mechanics of powering may vary in terms of degree and kind, but their combustion processes are powered by gasoline. On the other hand, hybrid cars are powered by the combination of electric motors and gasoline combustion processes. The combination of the gasoline and electric processes are meant to increase the level of performance and efficiency of the hybrid cars. Although hybrid cars may fall into different categories, they are all defined by the basic characteristic of combining the electric and gasoline processes.

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Some hybrid cars have their electric processes merged with the gasoline system so that it supplements the performance of gasoline at all times. This class of hybrid cars is generally referred to as series hybrid cars. The second category of hybrid cars is known as plug-in cars. This class is designed in such a manner that the engine electric system is put into use at times when the gasoline process is undergoing low performance. Some studies have observed that hybrid cars consume less fuel than the regular ones. The enlisting of the electric processes into the operations of the engine means that less fuel is needed to power the hybrid cars. Naturally, the level of combustion corresponds to the degree of emissions of any car.

Environmentalists have lobbied for the replacement of the regular cars by the hybrid models with the argument that hybrid cars are less hazardous to the environment than regular cars. The inference is that regular cars are environmentally friendlier than the regular cars. Contrasting opinions continue to engage the motor vehicle industry relating to the efficacy of the hybrid cars as compared to the regular cars. Hybrid cars have two sources of power. This means that the hybrid cars have a higher performance potential than the regular cars. The inclusion of the electric systems into the hybrid car is supposed to represent technological innovation in motor vehicle industry. On this score, it might be argued that hybrid cars embody a higher degree of technological advancement than the regular cars. In terms of complexity, hybrid cars are more sophisticated than the regular cars.

The combination of the electric and gasoline processes demand an increased form of technological mechanisms as opposed to the regular cars. The car system has been designed in such a manner that it differs significantly from the traditional and conventional systems. In line with this fact, regular cars have sometimes been adjudged to make them more user friendly than the hybrid cars. This is because the increased level of sophistication demand added mechanics in terms of operations in the hybrid cars. The traditional gasoline mechanics have to be boosted by electrical operations for the purposes of harmonizing the operations of the cars.

Another important difference between hybrid and regular cars is found in terms of maintenance. Hybrid cars are regarded as higher maintenance vehicles as compared to regular vehicles. The main reason that accounts for this difference is that the hybrid cars are more complex and require increased levels of mechanical dynamics. Some hybrid cars require separate maintenance systems for gasoline and electric systems. The dual nature of the hybrid car mechanics exposes them to more mechanical challenges than the hybrid cars. It has often been argued that the relative low supply of spare parts for the hybrid car engines tends to make the maintenance process more costly.

Similarly, there are less mechanics with sufficient expertise to handle hybrid cars than there are for the regular cars. This factor works against the costs of maintenance for the hybrid cars. This argument derives from the economic law of demand and supply. Moreover, hybrid cars are considered as recent innovations, which mean that the value of their technology is still relatively higher than that of regular cars.

Hypothetically, the relative higher complexity of the mechanics necessary for performance and maintenance of the hybrid cars tend to make them less durable as compared to the regular cars. Mechanical theorists suggest that mechanical processes correspond to matters of sophistication and technological innovation. However, both, regular and hybrid cars are available in various models on the market. Matters of preference are determined by factors of costs, model, technology, reliability, utility, environmental factors, and other variables that concern the evolution of the motor vehicle industry. On a comparative degree, hybrid cars are more likely to infiltrate the market than regular cars. This is because the mainstreaming of debates of fuel consumption and environmental management has tended to buttress the need for the replacement of traditional engines with the modern ones.

As the world increasingly becomes sensitive on the question of environmental conservation and resource utilization, hybrid cars will continue to compare better to regular cars since it is favored by both dynamics. Lobbyists and governments will continue to support policies that seek enhance the economical use of energy and environmental conservation. On this score, it might be argued that hybrid cars are more favored by technological, environmental, economical, and utility determinants that regular cars. The major points of comparison between the hybrid and the regular are based on the theme of evolution and conservation. 


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