Free Mobile Photo Studio Essay Sample

Just imagine how wonderful it would be to have a mobile photo studio. How is this possible? With the help of a shipping container, it is possible le to have a mobile photo studio. The shipping containers provide a means of transport over water bodies such as the seas, lake or oceans. They are designed in a manner that they provide enough space. Capacity of the shipping containers can be measured in Twenty-foot equivalent Unit (TEU), they can carry bulky commodities in truck-size. They are commonly used as means of commercial intermodal freight transport. A photo studio provides photographic images of good quality. Processing of photos in studio is quite fast because all the editing which includes rotating, compressing, resizing, previewing, previewing, adding of text, framing or downloading from a memory card of a camera are all done here. It is at the photo studio that the processing of pictures are simplified. It’s also useful as it supports a big number of meta data standards including EXIF, CIFF, Olympus, JFIF and Photoshop. To digital camera users, the EXIF data will be of interest to them. The EXIF is a format used by digital cameras to store camera settings along with an image. It also supports some movie formats such as AVI and QuickTime / JPEG, this is a format recorded by some older digital cameras.

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For example a mobile port situated at Monaco beach which has a beautiful view, could be a good advantage to customers since they can take pictures of themselves with the beach as background with an integrated camera on the wall of the container. With creativity one can come up with creative pictures at different angles or positions. The customers can also take their own pictures with their camera, print them and send them through the internet. This helps to provide more space on the memory card.

At the photo studio, customers can rent cameras for a certain period, depending on the range provided by canon who is the sponsor. In a case where the customer is satisfied with the works of the camera, he or she can buy it. Water proof cases for cameras are also provided for the customers.

Some of the devices required are such as the following listed below:-

One Air Conditioning system(power rating : 9000 BTU cost about 300)

AC is useful in cooling by reducing extra heat, heating, ventilation or disinfection depending on air properties at a certain time. It modifies the condition of the air. With an AC, fresh air is guaranteed and also a conducive environment. A portable air conditioner is easily transported since it is on wheels. They are available within capacities of 9000 BTU/h (2,100 watts output). They come in two forms, hose and split.

It simply provides comfort to the customers during either hot or cold weather conditions.

One internet firewall switch Netgear FVS114 ( about 150 ) and one wireless access point/client Netgear WG602 ( about 55).

Setting up a mobile photo studio requires running of many cables through walls or ceilings in order to deliver good network access to all the network-enabled devices being used in the studio.WAP is a device that allows wireless communication devices to connect to other wireless network using Bluetooth or other related standards. It can exchange data between the wireless devices such as computers or printers which are used during photo processing or editing. With WAP, users of network are now able to add devices that access the network with few or no cables.

Five Canon chargers are required within the studio. A good selection of a canon camera battery should be made at a good price. 1 canon camera, eos 550d is the cheapest reflex and adviceable to use, 1 outside led lightening sys of about 30w, 1 inside led lightening sys of about 50w, and one flash of about 70w .

Three Thermic printer :-It produces a printed image by selectively heating coated thermal paper. This is when the paper passes over the thermal print head. In the areas where the coating is heated ti turns black which produces an image.

One Pannel:- A pannel is required for the electricity dispatch.

A master surge.:-It helps to keep the canon warm and dry. It provides power for systems such as the computer, the cooler or air conditioner.

AC surge:- It is a power protector that ensures safety of the devices used and of the customers. It helps in avoiding explosion of  CPU, UPS systems or monitors or any other device. It is for every AC outlet all the wire connections for electricity all the AC plugs.

One UPS system:- It is a short form for uninterruptible power supply. It is a power supply that also includes a batter that helps in maintaining power in the event of a power outage. It is the UPS that helps in the running of a computer after has been cut short. This is advantageous since it allows one to save important data that he or she was working on before the computer shuts down. It is also required for the internet and electricity.

The city of Monaco provides AC plug and internet plugs for internet which will therefore boost the photo studio.


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