Questions and Answers Assessment Format
Getting a degree was never an easy task. In the past people had limited access to information, so requirements might not have been met. However now, when the Internet can connect you with virtually any library or scholarly source of information, the demand towards students writing and academic assignments are unbelievably anfractuous and complex. No wonder many students are not only afraid of writing but may experience panic attacks having to deal even with the simple form of tests, like questions and answers.
Write Questions for the Answers Given
Usually, when you have to answer a question, you try to remember everything you can about the subject and find the most suitable piece of information that satisfies the question. However, what should one do if they have to answer 50, 75 or even 150 questions in the short period of time, making sure their answers are both correct and plagiarism free (if you have to provide a comprehensive answer).
While many students are embarrassed or scared to request professional assistance, we would like to remind you that it is much better to ask for help than fail the whole course. Here are some of the questions, our clients have asked prior to working with us or while requesting a questions-answers assistance for their college or university courses. If you have any other unsolved questions, please check our FAQ page or contact our support team representatives.
- Could you please answer the question for my Business class that is related to both security and e-commerce?
Yes, we can find a writer who can prepare a research paper, discussion post or a long answer to the question you were given. Make sure you choose the Business and Economics as your subject and add the title of the topic you have to cover.
- If I need an answer on my question formatted according to the CBE standards, can you do it?
Our writers can work with any of the international formatting styles or format your paper according to the specific instructions you provide.
- Can you answer my question based on the weekly reading I had to do?
Sure, just make sure to upload the files you had to cover and our writers will take care of the rest. If you have a paper textbook you could either scan or simply take a picture of the pages you need for your answers.
- Can you answer a question I have to add as theoretical background for my research project?
If you have a single question that you need to answer, this would fall into essay or research paper section. For more detailed information, please contact our support team so they could provide you with exact requirements and step-by-step instructions. If you have any calculations you have to provide as well, you may be asked to place an extra order requesting Excel calculations along with the answer to your question.
- What will be the question and answer format I will receive from you?
According to the deadline you will receive an MS word file with all questions and answers (double-spaced, 12 pt font). If you need any other file format or would like to have another formatting, feel free to include this in your instructions.
Question and Answer Examples
We Solve Problmes with Writing Answer to Questions
Many students have troubles answering a lot of questions at the same time. Having over 10 years of experience in the online writing market, we can proudly say that we are capable of providing answers for your questions that will satisfy even the most demanding professor of instructor.
Why we are the best



On time



and refunds
If you decide to place your order with, choose a 'Questions-Answers' type of the assignment. Once you do this, you will be asked to provide additional information considering this order, such as: subject or discipline, number of pages required (that can be easily calculated by dividing the number of questions by 5, or in case of detailed answer - 300 words equal 1 page) and the title (so we can choose the writer that is more seasoned in the required field). You can also request an extended revision if you would like to have an extra guarantee that you will be able to have your paper revised in case any changes are needed.
If you have ordered from and have a writer that satisfied your needs and whom would you like to choose for this order as well, you can use 'Preferred writer option' in order to request the same writer working with you.
And by the way, have you ever thought what is the correct form, 'Answer my question or answer to my question'? I mean if you have to e-mail your instructor, you would probably need to make no mistakes, right?
So let us show you the difference using an example: 'I was trying to answer my question, when I realized...' (answer is a verb)
While: 'Should the answer to my question be ...' (answer is a noun)
Good luck with your assessments and do not forget to contact BestWritingService.comif you are in trouble!