Academic Writing

How to Get Good College Case Study Examples – What are Case Studies and What Purpose Do They Serve?

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Firstly, why would you need college case study examples? To answer this, just imagine you are an inexperienced artist or writer who has been asked to paint someone's portrait or write a biography but without being given sufficient details about either task. Needless to say, these tasks would be a big challenge, but they have the potential to bring you promotion and valuable recommendations as a true professional in your field if you get them right. This is similar to working on a case study assignment and it is where a good example paper can help in real-life situations.

A lot of businesses use case studies for staff training purposes. These are reviewed and used for illustrative purposes to identify and eradicate the common mistakes and/or pitfalls that a workforce may fall prey to, improve customer satisfaction levels, enhance communication skills, and develop other professional skills. However, in many cases they are of little use to students. This is especially so when the student is expected to carry out research, collect data and reliable evidence, and present a set of subjective and/or objective results in a particular format and/or according to a specific set of procedures. In fact, this can prove to be a hugely complex undertaking, not least because most student are not sufficiently experienced nor do they have ready access to comprehensive databases with sufficient examples to guide them.

How to Write a Case Study Analysis Example?

If they are not a good case study writer themselves, what options does a student have in these circumstances? In fact, the best option for any student who finds themselves in this situation is to buy case studies without bothering too much about the specifics or intricacies of the task. Upon deciding this is the right way forward for you, there are certain things you need to be aware of before spending your money. Begin by checking a provider's website since this is the first interface of a company that provides case study writing services. The next step is to check a company against similar companies and do a price comparison. Cheap prices are not a guarantee you will get good-quality products. Lastly, you need to check what support service a company offers since there should be a team on hand to address any concerns you have.

The case study format for students usually involves a great deal of in-depth topic research that can often be quite narrow and require detailed analysis. The primary purpose of these assignments is to equip students with the skills they need to complete demanding assignments in short timeframes. These tasks are very difficult to complete because the student needs to remain focused on a given problem i.e. in terms of why it exists, how it relates to a variety of facts and theories, how evidence should be interpreted, and what the advantages and/or drawbacks of a case are. To properly address the task in hand, the student needs to consider the problem's origins and possible consequences in an objective manner to get a clear overall picture.

Another noteworthy point is that most college case study papers and university projects are not usually very easy. However, case studies are especially demanding in terms of time and they are particularly difficult for students who lack the necessary knowledge and skills. Hence, it is not surprising that many students feel uncomfortable working on these projects on their own. Still it is possible to get good marks even when a deadline is fast approaching.

Tips on How to Write a Case Study Report Quickly and Easily

To write a case study on any conceivable topic for a fairly large project, there are some useful tips to keep in mind since these are likely to assist with your search. Essentially, experts recommend looking for up-to-date examples and stories concerning real-life situations and people. There are many such stories concerning healthcare and various business activities in today's newspapers, on news sites, and in all sorts of journals. Therefore, these are worth checking out, and if you find a suitable one for your project, use it in your paper but make sure you adhere to the correct rules and regulations on citation any copyright.

To avoid wasting time searching for material for a particular project, experts recommend that students consider writing their own examples. Thinking about the details, questions, answers, and potential outcomes takes time of course. However, it does mean not having to completely revise your paper in the event your professor requires adjustments. While writing the discussion part of your paper, the process of thinking and writing about it should be easier, since you will understand the obstacles and have chance to think everything over.

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Case Study Example

Options and futures contracts are part of other methods used to provide financial hedging services. A business expanding its business boundaries into other international market such as this bookseller business is prone to many financial risks. Each of the mentioned hedging techniques has its strengths and weaknesses so the management should align its priorities with a technique’s strengths.

Options are not as risky derivatives as others. However, this is only limited to parties that are only interested in options. They offer a lot of leverage in as far as investing is concerned . Moreover, they are equally significant hedging tools. The use of options depends on the business security position. Reducing downside risk in long stock can be made possible by applying put options. On the other hand, reducing upside risk in short stock can be made possible by applying call options. The bookseller business can manage the risks evident by buying the appropriate options. This is done by finding the options appropriate for the business’ timeframe. The business should consider the strike price it is willing to take and the premium it will pay. If a business plans at cutting its losses to a maximum of 12%, then it should an option at has a 12% maximum strike price. However, the business should fix this. It can reduce the losses to 4% or 2% and then look for options that offer the same. The benefit of picking the right option is that the parties of the parties to the business can run the business without major worries. The risk is catered in the price picked as long as the expiry of the option is not due.

When it comes to futures contracts, the situation is different. They are riskier than options. They are highly leveraged. For this purpose, they are mainly used by institutional purchasers/suppliers to hold in shipment prices and movement risk reduction. This method should only be adopted by businesses that are willing to accept the involved risks. It is necessary to find the appropriate contracts. Unlike options, the bank requires the customer to fulfill the contract when the expiry is due. For example, if the business wants to sell a product at a given price in three months, but the shipment is not in the given country yet, then the business stakeholders can make a contract of selling the product with the target price in those three months. The business will have to wait for the three months to sell the product at the given price. If the price in those three months is lower than the target price, then the business will have saved. However, if the price is higher than the target price, the business will have to sell at the original target price. A business can get rid of contracts by buying or selling the position in the contract to another. However, the losses incurred will be paid by the business that originally made the contract.      

This bookseller business should opt for the options services offered by the bank. One of the main disadvantages is that a business cannot buy its “own money”. This is just a waste. However, they are less risky than the other options. They provide leverage and they allow the business stakeholder time to explore the options available. Additionally, they will allow the business to cut its losses depending on the agreed level. Futures contracts service is best suite for businesses that sell products that have fluctuating costs such as perishables or minerals. Options service is best suite for products with more fixed prices.


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