Education and Learning

Poster presentation ideas

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Poster presentations are quickly becoming one of the main ways to inform the interested audience about the results and findings of a specific research work. Hence, our poster presentation ideas will be a valuable source of information for all those students and researchers who need to present information clearly and concisely. Below you will find brief and accurate information explaining what an academic presentation poster is, the sections it should contain and the ways to present information effectively.

Definition of presentation poster

In order to create a successful poster, you need to understand what it really is and learn to address the key values of this format of writing. So a presentation poster is a visual representation of the results of academic research to the general public and other scholars in order to receive peer review and interest people in the subject.

This type of academic presentations has become more popular over the years, becoming an important part of conferences, science fairs, and academic collaboration. Rooting in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, presentation poster is not more popular among social sciences and arts.

How to make a poster presentation - A detailed guide

In order to create a poster for presentation, you have to do your research first and have the text and results prepared before you begin working on your presentation poster.

Defining the goals of presentation poster

Before you begin working on your presentation poster, you need to remember that there are certain things your poster should cover:

What Have to Be in Powerpoint Poster What Have to Be in Powerpoint Poster

Characteristics of a great poster

It may seem pretty simple to create a poster, however, a good poster will not only present the results and findings of your project but will also give a lasting impression about the work done. Consider the following:

  • information is easy to read and comprehend, the wording is intriguing yet easy to understand,
  • the colors on the poster should be natural and formal, creating a picture that is attractive,
  • the results of your research should be presented in the academic fashion, yet be interesting to read.

You will have to adapt your poster depending on the audience you will be presenting your poster to, meaning that general public will be less interested in technical details and more in the idea behind your research, whereas fellow scholars will be looking for details of the research project. You have to understand whether people who are looking at your research have some knowledge and expertise or not. This way you will be able to determine the depth of the research as well as plan on the information to be comprised.

Information to include in your poster

While you may think that the more information you include, the better results you poster will achieve, but you have to understand that no one will be able to read your 50+ pages research on your poster. So with the aim to help you decide what information should be included, we have broken it into the following categories.

What Should be Included in Poster Presentation What Should be Included in Poster Presentation

The important question here is, how to narrow down the information you should put on the poster? First, you need to remember that your information should be

Difference between poster and research

One of our clients asked us about the difference between the research project we have prepared on their behalf and the poster for the presentation. A research project is an academic writing piece, that addresses certain research question and suggests a solution within the given methodology, whereas presentation poster is a way to present the results of this research at the conference. This means that poster is a visual representation of the research results along with some data that can be understood by the audience and easily displayed to the public.

Presentation poster layout

Creating a good poster should be preceded by a careful examination of the data that is supposed to go into the poster as well as planning of the layout. There are three basic things you need to take care of: text, images and blank spaces.

Presentation poster layout Presentation poster layout

How should you be your poster laid out?

Generally, English speaking readers find the information flow left-to-right and top-to-bottom the easiest way to comprehend the information and follow the flow. However, if we think of the poster like an upside-down triangle and set the information to guide the reader's view.

The main area should provide basic information like title, abstracts, results, while the second part should bring more information about the findings, leading to the final part with suggestions, acknowledgments and references.

How to make poster easy to read?

There is a list of certain things that will make any poster easier to read and follow, and in order to do so, we would recommend the following:

  • choose a font that is easy to read (e.g., Helvetica), making it big enough to read from at least one-meter distance.
  • if you have a list of things to be included, use number or bullets to separate them.
  • avoid using capital letters in the headings or body text, as it is both hard to read and impolite to some.
  • use a background that is a contrast to the color of your text and avoid letting the text flow around the image.
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Poster presentation ideas you may find useful

While a digital poster should be prepared at least a week prior to your presentation, you should be able to have a printed copy on hands at least 3 days before the presentation. And while paper poster may seem as a most obvious choice, you may also find it useful to pay attention to plastic or similar materials, as they are more durable and less prone fading under the lights.

You have to remember that colors that are close to the spectrum to yellow are more likely to fade quickly leaving you with spaces of indefinite colors.

If you are participating in the conference, make sure to contact the person in charge and clarify the details: how will they hand your poster, will you be able to stand near, do they offer a little table for your handouts, etc.

How to prepare for a presentation?

Once you are done with preparing your poster you have to understand there is a presentation you have to work on. First of all, write down the text of your presentation and make sure you address each and every section of your poster. If you have any larger pieces of information such as tables, numerous spreadsheets or large chunks of information, you may well consider printing a handout to go with your presentation. The next step is learning your presentation or at least to the extent you can be interrupted and then start from the place you left.

Moving on, you may find it useful to record yourself on video camera. This will provide you with an opportunity to work on your body language, keep track of the time needed and match the tone of your voice to the content of your presentation. Neither should you be reading from the poster itself. If you do not feel safe giving a speech, you may well prepare some notes and a plan to help you keep up with the flow.

There is also one important question: how long does it take for someone to read the info before you can engage them in the conversation? Typically, a person needs 10 to 25 second to look at a text in order to evaluate whether it is worth their time. If you see someone is reading, give them at least a minute and a half to finish. This way you will not irritate them and still be available for further questions.

So as you can see from everything mentioned above, a good presentation poster is a visual portrayal of your results, along with some basic description of the project itself. If you start at least 10 days before your conference, you are most likely to be safe and have time for everything.

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