Types of Plagiarism
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, there are different types of plagiarism, which is an act of actual stealing and taking credit for someone else’s ideas. The Collins Dictionary refers to plagiarism as to the practice of pretending that a certain work is one’s own, while it is not. It is also possible to define plagiarism as deliberate attempts to falsify work and deceive the teacher.
Is the Problem of Plagiarism Burning Now?
Lately, the problem of plagiarizing works has gained more importance as there is an increasing number of Internet resources available to everyone. The last three years were a period of untold proportions of plagiarized academic papers in the UK (50,000 students caught as cheaters!) as well as other countries. Moreover, it is clear that the actual number of those who take copy pasted text as their won is much higher as not everyone is caught ad blamed for cheating.
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Is the Problem Serious?
Plagiarism in college and university environments has become one of the most crucial problems as the consequences of such misbehavior can be tragic for the student’s career. Cheating and plagiarizing, a student shows disrespect to the teachers and themselves as excellent chances to get good education and to do meaningful work get spoiled. Gaining new writing skills and developing them is needed not only for the study, but also for subsequent career and life; that is why, it is important to make sure that only original papers are submitted throughout the years of study.
How do Students Plagiarize?
Submitting essays written by other people. There are different forms of plagiarism and one of the most typical ones is taking an online sample of an essay written according to the similar instructions and giving it to the tutor as if it were original. Other students fall back on their friends who do their assignments and cheat as well. Thus, if a person submits a text written by someone else, it is considered to be evident plagiarism. It should be noted that academic teachers frequently find it easy to detect cheating as the student’s style of writing differs from paper to paper.
Copying ideas without proper referencing. Among other types of plagiarism, using a great quote from a certain source without mentioning the author is also punished by the tutors. Giving the credit to a person who has expressed an original idea is a must!
Forgetting to use quotation marks in quotes. What is plagiarism? Is it always deliberate? Not always! Some students just use quotes without the required quotation marks and use them word for word without proper citing. Having copied a part of a great text and referencing the journal in the works cited page is not enough if there is no actual citation formatted properly.
Lying about the sources used. Some students get tempted to show off and boast about dozens of books and journals used for the research, while actually they have used one or two only. It is also an example of plagiarism if the readership scope is misrepresented.
Copying the ideas with good paraphrase of the wording. Considering the options of how to avoid plagiarism, some students opt for rewording the ideas they want to borrow without giving due credit to the original authors. Academic teachers consider this to be an act of plagiarizing as they see the delivery of stolen ideas and interpretations.
Excessive borrowing of ideas from other sources. Even if the students reference all the direct and indirect quotes in their papers, they should be careful with the percentage of citations. If they only give a collection of borrowed ideas without any critical insight or interpretation, it will be also referred to as copying which belongs to typical types of plagiarism.
What Types of Plagiarism Exist
Here are the major types of plagiarism you should avoid for completing a unique paper that will please the requirements of even the most demanding professors.
Direct Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism is mostly detected by writers, editors and anti-plagiarism software. All in all it’s copying paragraphs of someone’s work without referencing or citation marks. In most cases that type of plagiarism is considered as really unfair usage of material and leads to negative consequences.
Plagiarizing Yourself
Actually, that happens when students use previously written work while writing a new one. As an example, you can’t use college work in the university because of academic level; differences. Moreover it is not allowed to use same papers for different subjects without both professors permission.
Puzzle Plagiarism
This may happen when writer uses phrases from different sources without quoting them, changes general structure of sentences and meaning and giving synonyms instead of original text phrases. Actually, that type is also considered cheating, so try using sources properly.
Unintentional Plagiarism
To avoid this type of plagiarism you should know how to cite properly. When you use different sources but they are not mentioned or mentioned not in the proper way you can be almost sure that such parts of text can be defined as plagiarism. All in all if you lack skills for making proper citations that doesn’t takes off the responsibility for plagiarized paper. That’s why learn how to use writing sources properly, get best grades and let every page you write be a masterpiece.
However weird it may sound, some students plagiarize their own papers! In fact, they hope to get two grades for only one effort exerted, which is definitely not fair. Having submitted certain research previously, they incorporate it in the next paper on a similar topic. It happens that the students believe it is acceptable as they do not borrow or steal the ideas of other people, but the penalties for self-plagiarism do not differ from those for actual plagiarism.
Is My Plagiarism a Serious Problem? Who Cares about It?
You do know what types of plagiarism exist and you should realize that your future employers will not be interested in your application if they know about your previous experience with plagiarism.
Why Should You not Plagiarize?
- Stealing is unacceptable: From a moral point of view, taking the things or ideas of other people is wrong. You would not like someone to take what belongs to you, would you?
- Information illiteracy cannot be approved: Plagiarism demonstrates inability to present original thoughts and handle information properly.
Mind that the consequences of being accused of plagiarism at the university are harsh!
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, there are different types of plagiarism, which is an act of actual stealing and taking credit for someone else’s ideas. The Collins Dictionary ref...
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, there are different types of plagiarism, which is an act of actual stealing and taking credit for someone else’s ideas. The Collins Dictionary ref...