Free A Review of the Book Norton Reader Essay Sample

 Matt Bai- Villains

World War II was the most bloodshed war in history; it was a military conflict that saw over sixty million people dead. It crippled economies and contributed to a recession. It brought about war victims, villains and heroes. The victims comprised of batter deaths, these are those people who died at the battle fields during the war. They were mostly soldiers, but there were civilians caught up in the battlefields. Other victim cases included missing persons, disease of prisoners of war, civilian bombings, Nazi’s persecutions among others. The war made villains and heroes, these comprise of those who died fighting for their country and those who fought and survived, they were then crowned as heroes (Peterson, 57).

Elizabeth Cady Stanton-victimization

The first outstanding comparison is that one party falls for the victim slot. In Elizabeth’s work, she refers to the woman as the victim, and in the latter the victim are those who loses their life and the survivors who were affected. Declaration of sentiments is whereby the facts of the crime or injustice are outlined. Elizabeth does this in a very clear way to show how the woman is victimized.

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“Saved by Strangers”   by Sara Corbett

 Sara’s creativity brings about this concept whereby her article gives a welcoming message about Joseph S. generosity to the family in Italy. This family during World War II had kept him together with his army friend Dick Rossbach. It would be paramount for us to add the following, when Dick and Joe were captured by German troops and Dick signaled Joe to flee, he thought he had already been commissioned a second lieutenant a few months ahead of his friend Joe. This made Dick assume Joe that he was issuing a command that he was duty bound to obey. We also get to find that later on Dick was taken to a German prison camp; this happened sometime during the end of World War II around 1945. Clearly the details Sara’s work does show an outstanding representation and a perfect example of the World War II villains and veterans.

 “Chasing Evil”   by Daniel Bergner

It is funny how one person can perpetrate one of the biggest crimes in human history and manage to get away with it for such a long time. The evil in Daniel’s book is related to Lincoln’s speech about slavery and war. Daniel tells us about the way Adolf Eichmann was treated as a slave waiting for his trial. Adolf showed ignorance and had no expression for fear, he represented both the victim and a villain, and this is a very unique characteristic depicting different personals. He can be viewed as a hero by his people, this is because they saw him as their hero and even though he committed murder on millions of people they felt he did so for their good. He is also viewed as a villain since he and his soldiers fought back and took part in the war, however this is under looked by many who see him as a murderer and nothing more.

“The Declaration of Independence”   by Thomas Jefferson and others

 No one puts it better than Thomas, he explains that all people are equal and clearly presents the fact that no one is above the constitution not even the government. Everyone has his or her right which protects each and every individual. However, for this right to be enforced, a government has to be put in place. This government has to be chosen by the people and if by any case it becomes deceptive or does not act in the interest of the people, it is their right to vote it off. Elizabeth also expresses the same idea, but goes ahead to add to it by showing us the creator has imposed on everyone the power of free will.  

“Second Inaugural Address”   by Abraham Lincoln

He has grown to be one of the most significant public names when it comes to public speeches clearly showing that he gave one of the most central texts in American history. He defines the meaning of civil war and with compassion approached the task of reconstruction. In Matt bais work about World War II, he does approach the concept of reconciliation but in no way is it as clear as in Lincolns work. Also the two authors seem to concur with each other on the cause of war, in Lincolns work he concentrates on the cause of war being slavery. Lincoln presents his ideas in calm but with sticking clarity and brevity.  

“Inaugural Address” by John F. Kennedy

It is disturbing that the world is always losing its best public addressers; his speech has similar ideas with those of Elizabeth. He refers to God when he wants to bring out points that seek criticism, evident when he calls for his blessings anytime he explains his points. He raises suspense when he mentions about negotiating fear, one time he says that America will never negotiate fear and at the same time says that it will not fear negotiating. He is quick to mention that America will be sure it is safe only when it’s arterially is full, and then it will ascertain that they will never be used. This actually brings out his aggressive nature that actually concurs with Matt Bai word war II on the causes of war (Peterson, 44).

“Shooting an Elephant”   by George Orwell

The narrator receives a call about an elephant that is on the loose, this elephant has killed one person and he is under pressure from the villagers to kill it. He acts in the interest of the villagers and does what they preferred as right. He had other legal options but acted otherwise. When Elizabeth mentions the government, she is quick to mention that it is in place to act in the interest of the people, failure to do so they have a legal right to stop paying their allegiance to it. Though the narrator did as the people wished it is quite obvious that if he didn’t do so the people had a right to protect themselves even if the elephant was protected by the constitution.           

“A modest Proposal”   by Jonathan Swift

Swift suggests in his essay that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies. By doing this, he mocks the authority of the British governments. This type of behavior is seen in many other authors who tend to give critic to their governments reasons being, it’s their right. Some governments are quick to dismiss these claims flaming them as malicious and unconstitutional (Breuer, 43).

“The Morals of the Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli

 Niccolo explains the various ways one can be a successful prince. He is not pleased by the fact that a prince cannot be good, to him for the prince to keep his job then he has to be good. However, he also mention that if one becomes so generous then the less generous will take advantage of this and take away power from the more generous. This is important for the government to note, even though its mandate is to serve the people it should not over-do this as there are citizens who may come up with ideas that are not agreeable with the country’s policy (Peterson, 23).

Elizabeth Cady Stanton –Governance

 The world is changing as we know it and crimes against women and war crimes are serious and their occurrence is dwindling as times goes on. This has seen the emergence of women organization and groups and this organization has changed the way women are viewed in the society. It has seen women rising to the extent they are now vying for positions in governments. The trends occurring all over the world has also seen countries form peace treaties. This is an effort to prevent the occurrence of such kind of war crimes. 


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