Free Mitch Albom Books Essay Sample

Give out of love

Love is a feeling of individual attachment and affection to another person or something. It is an experience that is felt by someone towards another person. Death is a termination of the functions of the body. It is a permanent process that can be brought about by age, disease, accidents or malnutrition. Love is initiated from the respect that one has to another person. Love is essential in our daily lives and it all has to do with compromise and a set of values that govern the way each of you behave towards the other.

In the book written by Mitch Albom, death is the main focus. It is suggested that those who are still living should try to accept death with detachment as it is part of life. Those living should take pleasure in their own lives since one does not know when death will come knocking. From the teachings of Morrie, loving others and at the same time, getting prepared for death can prove to be a difficult task. The living should involve themselves in activities that prepare them for death (Mitch 97).

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Chris McCandless was a character who had dropped out of the society and Pat Tillman was one who believed in living in the world and performing your own duties. The two characters were highly similar yet different. Pat Tillman turned down a million dollar contract for the sake of joining the army. He finally died in war but a legend was born after that. Chris McCandless was a wanderer and adventurer who were young. He died from starvation in the wilderness in Alaska.

Chris McCandless changed his name and ventured into the wilderness in Alaska. During his adventure, he carried little food as well as equipment with the hope that he will be able to live in solitude for long. After four months, the body of the character was found after dying of starvation. The character donated his money that was given to him by his family to some charity organization. He does not consider the love that his parents have for him and abandons them for the sake of adventure. His parents are devastated when they see his body and their pain can be seen from their faces.

Pat Tillman’s story is that of a hero. Pat Tillman was extremely close to his friends and family members. He even drew his strength from his family, friends, and wife. Pat was married to his high school sweetheart Marie Ugenti Tillman. His death raised more questions than answers. His family had fierce love for him and this is displayed by the memory they held of him. They are angered and bitter because of the lies that the force offered concerning his death. Tillman displayed his love for his country from the point where he had to leave a well paying job for the sake of defending his country (Krakauer 87).

Pat’s desire to defend his country came from the way his great grandfather had died. His great grandfather had died at the Harbor of Pearl. This gave Pat an opportunity to assess his own existence in the world. His conclusions were that he had not done anything meaning meaningful or even laid his own life on the line for the sake of something or someone useful. He had so much respect for those who had done the same. After his honeymoon, he announced that he was leaving his highly paid job to join the army and defend his country. He walked away from his newly wedded wife and his millions of dollars for the purpose of chasing ghosts in some caves in Afghanistan. Pat Tillman did not want to be recognized by the state for the work they were going to do. They desired to serve their state in a quiet manner but later became a footballer who was symbolic (Galsworthy 102).

Pat Tillman received all the love and support he needed from his family and friends. This gave him the urge to switch jobs without the feeling that he was betraying his friends and family. Their continued support and love gave him the strength to go to war. The support of his brother Kevin even inspired him the more to continue his work of defending his country and leaving a legacy behind. His wife grieved a lot when her husband died and always had unanswered questions that took long to be answered. Even though she later remarried, she still kept the name Tillman to show the complete love that she had for Pat. She even felt the urge to continue Pat’s legacy. She decided that she would do community work with the help of the Pat Tillman foundation (Krakauer 98).

Pat Tillman’s family has decided to help those who found their way out of the war. They have put their effort into improving the lives of the soldiers. His mother Marie Tillman, has turned all her focus on the Tillman foundation to focusing on the help she can provide to those who would wish to pursue their educational objectives and goals. Her desire was sparked by her being aware of the difficulties that the soldiers who returned from Afghanistan were facing. Her desire was also motivated from the need to do something meaningful to the community. Pat Tillman’s foundation has offered many scholarships to the needy and they include academic scholarships. Pat’s life has had a significant impact on the lives of other people. All this work resulted from the love that Pat’s family and friends had for him. From this, it is evident that love defines who we are at the present and what we will eventually become when we are gone (Mitch 126).

Pat’s story is contrary to Chris McCandless. McCandless stayed in a bus for a long time that he starved to death naturally. His last stages of his life were characterized with starvation, physical weakness and disorientation. His behavior was reckless and ridiculous and he actually asked to die. His family is hurt and offended since they were not close to him when he died. He did not have the support of his family or friends. This is because he decided that he was going into the adventure alone. Love was not available for him at the time he needed it the most and he died in desperation.

The roles that love play in our lives

Love does not evaluate people based on superficial standards but rather on the qualities that the person possesses. Self-confidence is developed by the recognition of that inner potential to be a selfless individual with several essential qualities. This is when a true feeling of self-confidence is developed (Bryant 21). Love is increased through increased compassion, patience and understanding of our partners, family and friends. Love enables us to understand others rather than be understood. The relationships we have with our friends and family are made richer because of respect and freedom with which we base those relationships. The precise relationships are based on mutual interests, love and the desire to help others in life. Love gives us the desire to provide inner peace and happiness to another party without having to judge them based on their appearances of ambitions. Love clarifies our minds and enables us to access a situation by considering the right for everyone.


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