Free Chemistry Elements Essay Sample

Atomic diagrams for 10 atoms and their corresponding ionic diagrams

Li) 2e-) 1e-   This is the atomic diagram for Lithium.

[Li) 2e-) 0e-] +1   this is the diagram for Lithium ion.

H) 1e-   this is the atomic diagram for Hydrogen

[H) 0e-] +1 as the diagram for Hydrogen ion

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Sometimes the hydrogen atom gains an electron to form a hydride ion

[H) 2e-]-1 which is the hydride ion

Mg) 2e-) 8e-) 2e- as the atomic diagram for Magnesium

[Mg) 2e-) 8e-) 0e-] +2 as the diagram for Magnesium ion

F) 2e-) 7e- as the atomic diagram for Fluorine

[F) 2e-) 8e-] -1 as the diagram for Fluoride ion

B) 2e-) 3e- as the atomic diagram for Boron

[B) 2e-) 0e-] +3 as the diagram for Boron

Be) 2e-) 2e- as the atomic diagram for Beryllium

[Be) 2e-) 0e-] +2 as the diagram for Beryllium ion

N) 2e-) 5e- as the atomic diagram for Nitrogen

[N) 2e-) 8e-] -3 as the diagram for Nitrogen ion

Cl) 2e-) 8e-) 7e- as the atomic diagram for Chlorine

[Cl) 2e-) 8e-) 8e-] -1 as the diagram for Chloride ion

Ne) 2e-) 8e- as the atomic diagram for Neon

Neon has a stable octet electron configuration and therefore does not ionize

Si) 2e-) 8e-) 4e- as the atomic diagram for Silicon

[Si) 2e-) 8e-) 0e-] +4 as the diagram for Silicon when it loses 4 outermost electrons

[Si) 2e-) 8e-) 8e-] -4 as the diagram for Silicon when it gains 4 electrons


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