Free Marvel College Case Essay Sample

When two instructors teach the same section of a course and each instructor must be listed on the time schedule the realization is that there will be overlapping of entries in the time schedule. The most probable course of action is to avoid merging the instructors with the time schedule. When each department only offers a single major the space in the major's entries will be underutilized it will be therefore important to come up; with a strategy to prevent the wastage of space. When each faculty can only offer a single major and each faculty member can only advise students on the particular major then still the issue of underutilization of space within the database will emerge. Therefore, a strategy should be devised to prevent the under usage of the space. The issue of under usage of space is even made worse when each faculty only offer one major and each faculty member can only advise students on that particular major and students can only take one major.
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The primary key for the database is the student's number and the course code. Therefore given a student's name one can locate the department which is unique and look for the name within the department. When more than one faculty member is assigned the same office the system will reject because the system cannot make a double entry where the instructions allow for one entry. The number of credits earned cannot vary because they are independent variables they remain constant all through and there is no possibility for the system to make adjustments where the variables are independent. The use of course codes will require both students and other faculty members to memorize the meaning of codes to avoid confusion. Arranging the alternates in a decreasing desire will have no significant effect because the alternates are not designated any numeric. However, the task of arranging them in that order might be tedious.

The informational level designs will use the customer's number as the primary key because the customer's number cannot be the same for more than one customer. The system must have provisions for entry of the customer's number, the nature of the item bought, the territory the customer comes from, the quantity of the item bought and the name of the supervisor responsible for the customer. The system is constructed in such a way that when a particular item is entered in a column the computer automatically assigns the price of the item and calculates the total price with regard to the quantity that has been purchased. The customer can also make a purchase order of which the clerk will assign that particular customer a purchase order number that can be used in future follow up purposes.

In some instances the client might quote a price that is different from the actual price and when the clerk agrees with the quoted price, the clerk will make the necessary changes. However, when the quoted price is the same as the actual price the field is left as it is with no adjustments made. After the system is done with the entries a print out is obtained for the verification of the clerk. After that the print out is sent for the customer so that the customer can establish whether it is consistent with the purchase order that was made. A copy of the print out is left with the company and it is used to obtain the item or items from the warehouse. The essence of using such a system is to ensure that the items shipped are the same items that were requested by the customer.


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