Free Bullying Essay Sample

According to Espelage and Susan, bullying is defined as a deliberate aggressive behavior that is in form of verbal or physical harassment and it takes place due to imbalance of power. For instance, someone who is more aggressive and physically bigger can intimidate others who are physically smaller and unaggressive. The behavior of bullying can include shoving, teasing, and insulting someone especially about their race, height, weight, religion or sexuality. The victims of bullying feel afraid, upset, anxious, ashamed, and embarrassed about attending school. Bullying behavior is characteristically frequent and repeated such that intervention becomes indispensable. Since bullying results in low self-esteem and depression, the victims tend to opt for committing suicide.  

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The effects of bullying to victims are universal. Bullying behavior is responsible for emotional, health, and psychological problems. These problems include depression, deep anxiety, vision problems, and stomach ulcers. Effects of bullying can be long lived. For instance, an individual can suffer with chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and reduced self-esteem. The problems like reduced self-esteem result to suicidal thoughts. It is therefore very important for pupils to understand these negative effects of bullying at school. Class lessons should include bullying so that pupils will become aware of its effects. Students should be able to identify bullies and therefore avoid their companies, walk in groups of many people, and shout out for help whenever bullies approach them try to intimidate themBeane. 

It has been found that bullying starts in the home. Loving and well balanced homes rarely create bullies. Parents should be aware that they are responsible to bring up their children in the best way which can avoid the creation of bullies. Bullying is a serious problem that can even lead to suicide. We need to educate our children about bullying.  We need to make children know that reporting bullies can save lives. Parents have the responsibility to teach their children to openly report the cases of being bullied so that the bullies can be identified and punished. Teenagers or children should understand that being bullied is not their fault and therefore should not be afraid to report the bullying cases to the authority.

Bullying, with its profound impact on victims, underscores the urgency for comprehensive preventive measures and support systems. Beyond the visible signs of distress, studies reveal that the effects of bullying extend into adulthood, affecting various aspects of life, including employment opportunities and interpersonal relationships. Efforts to combat bullying should involve fostering empathy and emotional intelligence in students. Research suggests that interventions focused on building emotional resilience can contribute significantly to reducing instances of bullying. Creating an inclusive school culture that emphasizes understanding and compassion is key to mitigating the conditions that breed bullying behaviors.

Moreover, the advent of technology has given rise to a new dimension of bullying—cyberbullying. This form of harassment occurs through digital platforms, posing unique challenges for identification and prevention. Schools and parents need to adapt to the evolving landscape of bullying by incorporating digital literacy and responsible online behavior into educational programs. The role of bystanders in curbing bullying cannot be overstated. Empowering students to become active bystanders, rather than passive observers, can contribute to early intervention. Encouraging a culture of reporting and supporting those who speak up is essential in dismantling the silent acquiescence that often surrounds bullying incidents.

While parents play a crucial role in preventing bullying, community involvement is equally vital. Collaborative efforts between schools, parents, local authorities, and community organizations can amplify the impact of anti-bullying initiatives. Creating safe spaces for open dialogue and resource-sharing can strengthen the collective resolve to combat bullying.

In conclusion, the battle against bullying requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates emotional education, addresses emerging challenges like cyberbullying, and engages the broader community. By instilling resilience, empathy, and a sense of responsibility, we can foster environments that reject bullying and nurture the well-being of every individual.


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