Free Physical Structure Essay Sample
Physical structure of a human being is the entire living or extinct member of the family hominidae distinguished by articulate speech, superior intelligence, and erects carriage. Physical structure of a human being leads to evolution of behavioral traits, which affects individual possessing them as well as the individual's community.
Different theories describe how physical structure affects human behavior. These theories include; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow founded his theory of human needs on creativity of people who use their talents, capabilities and potentials, which are demonstrated as a result of physical structure. In his theory, he showed that human behaviors differ from person to person due to the level at which he/she operates in. He arranged this levels on a hierarchical arrangement these levels include, from top, there is self-transcendence, self actualization, aesthetic, cognitive, esteem, belongings and love, safety, and physiological at the bottom.
Maslow stated that people want and are forever motivated to meet different goals. Because the lower level desires are more instantaneous and urgent, then they come into play as the basis and direction of a person's ambitions if they are not fulfilled. A need higher in the hierarchy will develop into a motivation of behavior as long as the needs beneath it have been fulfilled. Unfulfilled lower needs will dictate unfulfilled higher needs and must be fulfilled before the person can go "up" the hierarchy.
Maslow theorized that the crucial goal of a human being is self actualization, which is almost never attained but the human being rather always tries to strive for it. He further theorized that, after self actualization people strive for self-transcendence which includes spiritual level. He stated that self transcendence level identifies the human being need for ethics, compassion, creativity, and spirituality. He stated that, without these qualities, human beings are simply animals or machines.
Another theory that describes how physical structure affects human behavior is McGregor's theory X and Theory Y. Douglas developed theory X and theory Y which are two opposing perceptions on how human behavior at the work place and organizational life are affected by the physical structure. He stated that in an organization human behavior fall under either one of the theory. In theory X, he stated that people are inherent dislike for work and they avoid working, people want to be directed and have inadequate or lack ambition. They must be forced, supervised or threatened with punishment in order to attain organizational goals.
He suggested that people in theory Y are self motivated where work is part of their life. People under this theory exercise self direction and are committed to the organizational objectives they accept responsibilities, and they are creative and capable of using their abilities in solving organizational problems.
Tamdigid defined human architecture as study concerning tearing down walls of human estrangement and build integrative human truth in support of a just comprehensive society. Human architecture upholds that all human failures at personal and broader social change in support of the moral life are embedded in the problem of habituation. He indicated that human tendency to become subconsciously is emotionally involved to feelings, ideas, sensations, relations, process and things. He described these habituations as dualism of theory and practice, matter and mind, and self and society; they are by products of dualistic opposition of materials and ideas that world outlook for millennia. These are responsible for creating human to search for a good life into mutual alienated and, therefore, failing paradigms of religion, science, and philosophy.
Architecture provides a forum for the investigation of human behaviors, such as self-knowledge within a re-imagined sociological structure. It seeks innovative institutionalize new theoretical and curricular compositions of knowledge, whereby significant study of oneself within gradually increasing word-historical structure is given educational and pedagogical authenticity. Human architecture also transcends the habituated dualism of young and old, students and teachers, graduates and undergraduates, on and off campus, science and arts, private and public, philosophy and religion, as well as reality and nature. This dis-empowers the social stratifications of status, class and power arising from the culture, economy, and politics in favor of identifying all the surrounding stretch of human behavior.
Environment psychology is defined as the interdisciplinary field paying attention to the interaction between humans and their surroundings. The field describes the term environment largely encircling natural environments, built environments, social settings, informational environments, and learning environments. These include commercial and residential designs. When resolving problems concerning human environment relations one must include model of human natural, history that predicts the environmental situations under which people will conduct themselves in a respectable and resourceful manner. These models help one to design, administer, defend, and restore environments that enhance sensible behavior, predicts what the possible outcomes will be when these situations are not met, and diagnosis problem condition.
The model builds up such a model of human nature at the same time as retaining a wide and essentially multidisciplinary center of attention. It explores subjects such as regular property resources management, impacts of environmental strain on human performance, ways of finding comprehensive settings, characteristics of recuperative environments, endorsement of durable maintenance behavior, and human information dispensation.
Although environmental psychology is debatable the best known and complete description of the field, it is also identified as human factor science, environmental social science, cognitive ergonomics, social architecture, social ecology, environmental sociology, architectural psychology, environment behavior study, and environmental design research.
Concept of sustainable development has been in the forefront for the last 20 years. This concept identifies that, human civilization is a fundamental part of the normal world and that environment must be conserved and perpetuated if the human population itself is to continue to exist. Sustainable plan articulates this design through improvement that illustrates the principle of preservation and supports the application of those values in the day by day lives. Architectural development has played a crucial role in supporting the sustainable development.
A consequence concept and one which supports sustainable design, is that of bioregionalism - the design that all existence is recognized and maintained on a well-designed community foundation and that all of these idiosyncratic communities known as bioregions have communally supporting life structures that are self-sustaining. The model of sustainable design grips that prospect technologies have to function mostly within bioregional scales and patterns. They retain biological assortment and environmental integrity contributes to the fitness of water, air, and soil, includes design and structures which echoes bioregional environment, and reduces the effects of human use.
Architectural development has been also noteworthy in supporting sustainability due to the fact that sustainability does not involve a loss of superiority of life, but it requires a transformation of minds, a change in ideals towards less consumptive standard of living. These changes embrace global interdependence, social responsibility, economical viability and environmental stewardship. This new design approach recognizes the impact of every plan option on natural and cultural resources of home, regional and worldwide environments.
Lastly, it insists on the rights of civilization and environment to coexist in supportive, healthy, sustainable and diverse conditions. It also identifies the interdependence, the constituent of human plan interrelate with and depend on the ordinary world, with wide and different insinuation at every scale. Also, it promotes relationship between matter and spirits it reflects on human settlement such as industry, dwelling, Community, and trade in terms of accessible and developing relations between spiritual and material awareness. It further constructs safe objects to the long-term importance; it reduces the requirements for maintenance and danger for future generation due to standard architectural developments.