Free Description of a Business Plan Essay Sample


Mission Statement

Food under Nutrition (F.U.N) mission is to create a lot of conservative food to children in order to curb obesity and, to deliver quality to all customers providing affordable service so, creating value for its customers. It will also establish zero ratio information on recent obesity cases among children. It will also make it easy for working parents who have less time in preparing their children’s meals by producing meals that have all the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs).

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Company Goals and Objectives

Being a new business, it hopes to keep the lead and, establish a competitive advantage over new entrants into the market. Increase the market share by capturing a percentage area of 1% to 11 % of the market share as a marketing strategy. Be able to achieve sales revenues of $140 million and minimize losses during the 1st year to at least get a break even point.

Business Philosophy

To ensure customer satisfaction by the provision of quality and healthy products. Responding and, adapting to customer needs through research, feedback and, an interactive website to contact them. Provision of appropriate meals that are inclusive of all Recommended Dietary allowances from the main Food Guide Pyramid groups.

Nature of the industry

A variety of nutritional foods and beverages that will be suitable, safe and healthy target children between ages of 5 and 11 years. It is a growth industry since the need for prepackaged meals for children is at the introductory stage.

Short and Long Term Changes

Short Term Changes

Availability of healthy daily meal plan which will be nutritious and convenient for children. Availability of convenient meals that will require little or no preparation.

Long Term Changes

There will be an increase in the product line through an additional line that will target teenagers in the age range of 12 to 17 years. The line will be more popular since it will be more convenient and easy for working parents.

Product Strategy

This product line will offer the benefit of tasty, fun foods, while providing children a healthy well nutritional diet. An additional line of teenage foods is   to cater for this market segment. The products will offer more nutritional benefits at relatively similar costs compared to those of the competitors.  The company will also assist parents with encouraging children to use these products by having attractive packaging, a rewards and recognition program where children can be featured.

Pricing strategy

The products prices are competitively more than the existing consumer food products which are more nutritional

Marketing communication strategy

The ability of the company to customize products, responding and adapting to the consumer market needs through the use of surveys, feedback and interactive website.

Marketing Research

The company possesses a highly advanced research and development team. This will enable the creation of fantastic products that kids prefer.

Distribution Strategy

All products made readily available for the busy parent(s) at strategic points like supermarkets, convenient stores, schools and playing fields.


This industry is less penetrated and has the prospects of offering food products that are healthy and well balanced. The products are priced competitively compared to other existing consumer food products. Also, the products will offer more nutritional benefits than competitors at relatively similar costs.

The company possesses a highly advanced research and development team. This is to ensure the creation of a product that kids prefer while, offering exceptional nutrition to reduce weight of children. The company will customize products through responding and adapting to the consumer market’s needs. This achievement is via the use of surveys, feedback on the interactive website.

Personal Contribution

I possess a solid background experience in the hospitality industry. Different aspects of management like food and beverage, customer services, marketing and public relations among other skills acquired will be of substantial value to the company.

Form of Ownership

It is a limited liability corporation because t is not a well penetrated market and, the stakeholders have to share the liabilities before the company reaches a break through point.


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