Free Ethical Principles in Decision-Making Essay Sample

Ethical principles show, how the philosophers and developers of the moral framework have developed the basis of what is right and what is wrong.  Theories and practices in use are the fundamental principles that govern decision-making. In this, people might not be fully aware of the theory in presentation, but their response falls in a theory category. 

Briefly, the virtue, communitarian, consequence-based and the theory of care are the most applied theories. In this, the virtue theory insists that the character of an individual and the personal frame of habits determine the flow of decision and the reaction to an event. It draws from the virtues, which are the commendable characters that exist in an individual, and insists that we should avoid the things that hurt others when making one’s decisions. Utilitarian theory also known as the consequence-based theory focuses on the consequences that follow the undertaking of a path of action. According to rule, the right action should be the least consequential among the available paths of action. For example, a school nurse should at times make considerations on the student population, as opposed to, the student affected alone. (Nadine Schwab, Mary H. Gelfman, 2005, p. 87)

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The theory of care concentrates on the handling of individuals. In this, the norm is applying respectful care when handling individuals. In an ethical perspective, the theory insists on the making of decisions and actions that promote the maintenance of human relationships. On the other hand, the communitarian theory focuses on the use and presentation of all the factors included in decision making in a more responsible way. It emphasizes the promotion of the common good in all people do. The modern society applies one or a combination of these theories in their operations, in schools. The way we respond at times is limited unknowingly or knowingly to these theories. The enactment of a law should take into consideration the ethical issues that are in place and the philosophies put up. (Nadine Schwab, Mary H. Gelfman, 2005, p. 88)

On the other hand, ethical principles are the actual handling procedures of events and responses to situations. The principles applied in the field are the principle of respect of person that stipulates that one should treat each person with respect as any other. Principle of beneficence insists that one should not inflict pain and harm while providing the proper services to someone else. it promotes positive value, service and duty. In addition to principles, the principle of justice controls the interaction of society and the general coexistence of individuals. Justice sets apart the rights entitled to a person in the event of a disagreement. These two serve as the basic principles that govern the morals of society. (Nadine Schwab, Mary H. Gelfman, 2005, p. 87)

Exercise and health education are significant for the development of a child. The use of mandate that health education and physical activities have extra time in federally funded schools is ethically sound. Taking care of a person and the consideration that undertaking certain actions could cause harm was fundamental in the first two theories. In this, it mandates care for oneself by learning more about your health and exercising. This also takes note of the theory of care. The mandate also looks into communism. It focuses on enforcing laws and actions that benefit the whole community in that having better school children will bring better results. The codes set the generic approach to the issue and apply these theories once mandated. Conclusively, making all considerations about the ethical theories and principles in place, it is ethically sound to for the policy; to have more public health education in public schools. The Law mandates at least 3 hours of health education and 3 hours of physical activity for all federally funded schools.

As a recommendation, increasing interpersonal communication and interaction during the physical exercise and group discussion during the health education hours will ensure that the policy integrates the principle of respect of others. This would be through the frequent encounter eventually leading to exceptionally healthy human relationships. Secondly, Ensuring that health education and physical activity the school is mandatory, as a right to each student will ensure it integrates the principle of justice into the policy.

Ethics govern the way we judge between what is morally right and what is nothing this, searching  for moral stability depends on one’s judgment and conscience and doing what is morally right is humane and worthwhile.