Free Arthur F. Holmes Philosophy Contributions Essay Sample
Arthur F. Holmes retired in the year 1994 from the WheatonCollege in Illinois. He has been a professor of philosophy. He has been credited with massive contributions in ethics and the thoughtful application of ethics in war and Christian concepts. Arthur has historical experiences of philosophy and Christianity; he has served as a guest speaker in Universities, Colleges and Conferences.
Arthur has examined the underlying ethics in the production and distribution of weapons of mass destruction, preemptive war, pacifism, and war on terror. The world has raised ethical concerns of the war events happening all around. Arthur reflected on Christian perspectives in dealing with war. He continued to emphasize on the need to cultivate a strong believe that improves relationships between people of different cultures. Cultural diversity is not meant to lead nations into war; they are expected to produce innovations in different styles of tackling challenges. Arthur drafted the book skillfully by incorporating the views of influential classical world writers. This has helped in bringing out the Christian perspectives on war in a practical approach.
Ethical approaches are necessary when considering the role of religion in international affairs and politics. It is essential to identify the ethical questions in the establishment and protection of the human rights. War has been attributed to the use of force and discriminative justice in the ever-changing world. Scarce resources have been identified as the major causes of war in the world. Religion affiliations have been established as a source of conflict. People should realize that religion differences are meant to strengthen the relationships and enhance justice to everyone, protect the human rights, lobby for peace in the world, offer reconciliations, and enable solidarity.
The role of Christian leaders in the conflict zones of the world has been put into the limelight. Just war theory has been accredited with two aspects on the justification of the war and the need to apply ethics in the war. Churches have supported the war on the basis that the human rights are to be respected. Christians have the responsibility of portraying ethical perspectives in dealing with conflicts. Christian ethics involves the emulation of Jesus Christ characters in the daily administrations of responsibilities and decisions.
Morality in Christianity is relative. There has never been a steady conclusion as to the ethical truths. This has led to the formation of cultural relativity and ethical subjectivity. People have different opinions on the application of ethics in war. This has proved to be difficult to apply ethics in war. This is in line that people of different cultures come into conflict, and they all have different modes of responding to the conflicts. Cultural relativity theory has shed light on the moral truths that are significant in particular cultural contexts.
Christians have faced challenges in establishing their position in relation to ethical issues of war. Christian attitude to war has made many Christian leaders unresponsive to war issues. The issues have reached a level when the ethical traits in war cannot be ignored any further. The ethical approach to war has provoked thoughtful ideas to problem solving. This is because war touches the wealth, health, reputation, and security of individuals irrespective of the religious affiliations.
In conclusion, the Christians have defined just war theory as a legitimate war. This principle was based on the Thomas Aquinas theory. There are set conditions to justify the necessity of war with the right intentions, and there is an eminent probability of success. The various theories put into consideration reflect on natural law theory, moral relativism, divine command theory, and the just war theory. The theories have been identified to establish the Christian perspectives in relation to moral aspects in war.