Free Death Penalty Problem Essay Sample

When one is said to be given a death penalty, they are simply being told that they are going to be killed (murdered) in prison as a punishment for their crimes or actions. This is done through many ways depending on the laws of country which the sentence has been made or where a capital crime committed. There are countries that administer this punishment by electrocuting the prisoners. Others do so by injecting the prisoner with poisonous chemicals, others by hanging, others by suffocating, others by shooting the prisoner and many other ways.

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Whether death penalty is the right mode of punishing criminals or not, is a question that has been debated by many people for years without any conclusion or consensus. Lawyers and the judiciary advocate for it while human rights organizations and some religions disapprove it. The question has been raised in many places; in the media, classrooms, discussions like this, in offices during tea breaks, in cafeterias during the lunch breaks, in conference rooms, just to mention but a few.

However, whether it is good or bad, the mode punishment is still being used in some parts of the world. Many people argue that this is not the best way to punish a criminal. They say that killing a person does not give him or her chances to rehabilitate. Prison and its facilities are meant to offer some form of rehabilitation for criminals and social misfits so that they become better people when they are released back to the society. If killed, a prisoner will never get a chance to prove him or herself. A death penalty is like we have finally closed the file of the prisoner. There is no chance that the case may be revisited just in case there is any possibility that the prisoner was not guilty. It is pronouncing a final judgement.

The society views the experience itself as traumatizing. When Sadaam Hussein was publicly hanged in front of television cameras, sparked outrage throughout the world and the scene disturbed a lot of people. When a person is made to live with a crime that they did, it is more painful and more effective than just killing them since the pain and the guilt die with the criminal.

The death penalty has not really done much to curb the criminal activities in most countries. The rate is still high and so it has only caused more pain and misery. Let us go for life imprisonment over death penalty. Beside that some criminals have nothing to lose when killed.

One aspect that often emerges in discussions about the death penalty is the socio-economic disparity in its application. Studies have shown that individuals from marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by capital punishment. This raises concerns about the fairness and equality of the justice system, as the death penalty seems to impact certain demographics more than others. Moreover, the evolving field of forensic science has led to increased scrutiny of past convictions. Advances in technology have allowed for the reexamination of evidence, sometimes revealing errors or oversights in previous trials. In cases where individuals have been sentenced to death, the potential for wrongful convictions underscores the need for a thorough and careful examination of evidence to prevent irreversible miscarriages of justice.

Another dimension to the debate involves the financial costs associated with the death penalty. Contrary to the assumption that it may be a cost-effective solution, the legal processes involved in capital punishment, including lengthy appeals and specialized legal representation, often result in significantly higher expenses compared to life imprisonment. This financial burden prompts some to question whether the resources allocated to the death penalty could be better used to enhance other aspects of the criminal justice system. The international perspective on the death penalty is diverse, with some countries actively abolishing it in recent years. The global trend seems to be shifting toward recognizing the inherent human rights issues associated with capital punishment. International human rights organizations play a crucial role in advocating for the abolition of the death penalty and raising awareness about its implications on a broader scale.

In recent times, mental health considerations have gained prominence in discussions surrounding the death penalty. Advocates argue that individuals with mental illnesses may not fully comprehend the consequences of their actions, challenging the ethical justification for executing them. This perspective adds a layer of complexity to the moral and ethical dimensions of capital punishment.

In summary, the death penalty debate encompasses various facets, including its impact on marginalized communities, advancements in forensic science, financial implications, international perspectives, and considerations related to mental health. These nuanced aspects contribute to the ongoing dialogue on the efficacy and morality of capital punishment in the contemporary world.


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