Free Noah’s Arf Executive Essay Sample

Noah’s Arf executive is indeed worth reflecting upon since it introduces the reader to the concept of animal care. There are several organizations that offer services but few tend to take customer satisfaction into account. For instance, the introductory remarks is an indication that the firm is committed to providing quality service as well as ensuring that consumers are satisfied with whatever they are offered (Pablo Alto Software). This is an indication that any customer who have been disappointed earlier through inefficient services can hope for a more different approach through evaluating Noah’s Arf and the way they approach effective service to the animals.

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On the other hand, more insight is stated since the summary acknowledges the role of animals in our daily lives. It is also worth noting that the working class have not been left behind with the role they play in ensuring that animals get the best service in terms of their health and daily upkeep. This is particular encouraging to any person of good will and I see this as a perfect way of knowing more on how animals can be protected from overexploitation. In order to discover how this is done, it attracts consumers into getting to read more about the article through what has been provided in the summary (Palo Alto Software). The entrepreneurs in this case are well aware of what they want to introduce the consumer to and support this with appreciating the role of humanity in ensuring this is done.

We all love animals and more the pets we keep in our homes and so one will like to know how the pets can be maintained so that they cannot be subjected to harm. The message has been well passed and I believe that one can grasp the positive aspects of the article. It is also imperative to note that those involved in this service have a reputation in the industry, having worked in various sectors prior to this mission. This is another encouraging encounter since the entrepreneur has the necessary experience worth reading about. The success of Kris Price is a motivator which tempts any individual in wanting to know more of what he can do in the animal health industry. There is transparency as well in terms of projecting the future, where they stipulate how they will be able to meet their objectives despite the shortfall in finances.

Through the plan, it is obvious that the market is promising. The large market here entails the environment and condition with which people tend to refer to pets and animals in general. Several people are now moving from having children to a society where they care more about their pets. Furthermore, those who have families tend to care as well for the various pets in their possession. The business is likely to experience a growing market as a result of several families owning pets and who would like their animals well treated and taken care of through proper medication that leaves them satisfied (Mercer pg. 84). It is also true that the perception with which people are viewing animals in modern times is different from the traditional aspect where animals and pest were not taken care of.

The openings in the markets are therefore in greater quantities which mean that the business will yield positive results. Having stated that the perception towards animals has changed with time, the market is likely to grow. Furthermore, animals are today being given equal treatment as far as their rights are concerned and this propels people to put in mechanisms and measures towards their upkeep. As a result of keeping pets and animals and wishing for their well being, it is important to have an agency or organization that takes care of them through the provision of effective treatment when they are ill or mistreated. Customers on the other hand will be more than willing to ensure that their animals are well taken care of. As a result of this orientation, customers will therefore be willing to pay for the type of service being offered by the enterprise. Pet owners are also stated to having care for their animals and pets as they would the children, an indication that the market promises a success for this type of venture.

Start up costs in any business set up requires the amount being set aside to be reasonable. The purpose of this orientation is usually to have a projection depending what the company aims to achieve in the long run. Furthermore, a start-up cost requires that the company’s revenues be able to cater for the finances that were put in place when setting the enterprise. Having a projection of a start up costs worth $170,000 is reasonable considering that the estimated profit before interest and taxes totals to about $100,000 monthly.

The entrepreneur has the necessary education required to effectively ensure that the business takes on a high note. For instance, Kris Price, who is both the owner as well as operations manager have previously worked in a high speed customer service oriented profession and has what it takes in a competitive environment. On the other hand, she is well educated and committed in her work something that has earned her respect from fellow colleagues. Some of those she wishes to bring into the management team includes her daughter who has graduated from veterinarian technical college. He support will greatly be needed in this service industry. The company also aims at employing qualified personnel in the filed to boost the firm’s productivity.

Since the business is at its earlier stages then it will be appropriate to have a minimal size of employees and staff which includes one receptionist, four background supervisors as well as the manager serving as part time receptionist. However, and despite this estimates being reasonable, the staffing will have to increase with time since the enterprise will be serving a wider community that entails more labour and workforce. It can therefore be termed that the staffing plan is reasonable enough to warrant justification.

The best marketing strategy is the one that leaves the customer satisfied with the services that have been offered. This therefore suggests that when Noah’s Arf aims at satisfying the needs of its consumers, then it is making a reputation of putting the interest of the customers first. Customer satisfaction will keep people and customers coming back for more services since they usually get the best treatment. Keeping the customers satisfied is therefore an effective strategy of reaching all those who might not have heard about the service. Customers will therefore sell the concept to their friends who will in turn increase in number in a bid to know more about Noah’s Arf services.

The key to more sales in the business environment is usually the ability to retain customers through good customer service. Repeat customers are known to spend more on the company unlike customers who are new, a great significance on how customer satisfaction plays a vital role in generating more sales. On the other hand, a firm can use more resources in selling a given products to clients who are not yet aware of the service as compared to a client who is used to the services. Firms are known to lose a lot of revenue due to poor customer service which is also seen in the type of services offered.

Customer satisfaction matters in any business since it has the ability of raising higher income levels since the service expectation is usually higher. In business, customer satisfaction can be described as a brand on its won since Noah Arf image and objective will be propelled through the satisfied customers and who in turn will assist in bringing in more customers. On the other hand, it is important to illustrate that customer satisfaction make a great foundation for return business. They tend to bring in their friends and associates in great numbers. Customers are regarded as the heart of any business and so for the firm to declare customer satisfaction as their number one strategy, they have seen a brighter future which looks promising (Palo Alto Software). In a situation where the customer was not satisfied, then he or she can influence a wrong impression on the company and can easily bring down the company as compared to ten satisfied customers.

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Financial Plan

The financial plan has been projected in a time span of three years, an indication that there might be alterations that might be encountered along the way. However, the growth plan sounds realistic since the growth is stipulated to take place over a period of three years. In any business environment, it is usually obvious that estimates be made according to the performance of the market (Palo Alto Software). The sales growth can be termed as being realistic since Noah’s Arf will continue to grow on an annual basis depending on the performance of its customers as well as the services they offer.

However, the assumptions tend to be a bit complicated owning to the fact that businesses are likely to experience inflation and global recession. For instance, the assumptions in tax rates which indicate that it will remain the same in the three years might be wrongly taken into account. As stated, there might be situations where the rate of inflation in a given country might force business as well as government to either increase their tax rates or decrease depending on how they are being favoured by the situation. In terms of inventory purchases, we can say that the amount needs to increase since it might be one area which can greatly boost the performance of the company. More allocations must have been directed therefore to the breakdown in assumptions where innovation is concerned. New accounts payable is justified since it might be increasing with time. The break even analysis of the company is moderate since at $13,800 the company can be running effectively.

Noah’s Arf is entering into a business environment that is promising. As stated earlier, many people are growing fond of their pets and those who are not blessed with children will love to keep them as company and part of their family. On the other hand, as the economic situation becomes taxing and families tend to control the number of children they can get, pets will play a vital role in several families (Palo Alto Software). This marks the enthusiasm with which people will like to keep the pets and animals. Despite the assumptions in the business plan being farfetched, the rest of the business plan sounds reasonable and cab easily lead to more productivity. Just like any other business plan, there are limitations that have been reflected in the financial plan and which can easily be corrected with the input of enough expertise.

This business venture is a viable business and which I will prefer encountering in should there be resources in the near future. This can be supported by the prospects that the pet industry will continue to grow just like the human population experiences changes. The changing perception with which people look at the animals is also another way that can boost customers in keeping more pets and providing them for inspection and medication any time they fall ill. I will therefore like to invest in this type of business in the future as well as ensuring that pets are made to be men companions and not animals to be killed around for personal gain. This business can also lead to more productivity in animal husbandry of teh pets are well taken care of. 


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