Free Introduction to Poetry Essay Sample
Introduction to poetry explains precisely how to discover how a poem means, how to gaze at the world, without precisely stating the details in simple words. The last part of the poem describes how some people view a poem with one point, possibly interpreting factually and when they do not get an answer, they constantly run into an obstinacy brick wall and try to find out the exact meaning of the poems.
Billy Collins suggest that while finding out the word meanings or reflecting onto something which is happening to get to know what exactly the author is trying to say, like what occurs when you look at the world through a colored glass you get to see different shades of green and everything changes and looks different. Billy Collins proposes that every part of the poem, every word, works to an improved sagacity of the meaning, has influence unto itself and is important that you hear it alone, and that initiating in the core and staring at things in a casual order as you work your way reading the poem which could bring a new meaning into observation, or read it without something other than what the words say to persuade your viewpoint.
The poem discloses an enthralling drama of just what a poem can do. It consists of seven unrhymed paragraphs of different lengths.
"I ask them to take a poem"
The initial verse section consists of three lines. The narrator who is starting a lesson on poetry says to the students to take a poem and like a color slide hold it up. Symbolically, the narrator is entailing that a poem consists of descriptions that may be analyzed if light passes through it.
He refers to light as plain act of using eyes to closely read the poem as a person looks closely when seeing through a color slide. He also says that there is color in the poem but a student should look more closely in order to see it.
"Or press an ear against its hive"
The next verse contains only a single line but it tends to turn its image from the eyes which are gazing through a multicolored slide to the ears which are pressing against a beehive. He asks the students to pay attention to the poem cautiously, as they would do if they were interested to hear the buzzing of bees making honey inside of their hives.
The narrator is therefore stating that poetry embraces attractiveness that can be listened to, as well as colorful descriptions that can be noticed, and he supports his students to see and pay attention in order to recognize these enjoyable actualities.
"I say drop a mouse into a poem"
The narrator turns into a science teacher asking the student to put a mouse in the poem as scientists put them in a maze and observe what the mouse does. The mouse is the early understanding that the student will endeavor: what if this and this means this and this but after that what will happen.
"Or walk inside the poem's room
The narrator than presents yet another ploy for bringing out an explanation from the students, he asks them to go inside the room of the poem and find the light switch on the wall. They are to submerge their minds completely in the words to try to distinguish the correlation that discloses the poem's meaning.
"I want them to waterski"
The narrator than explicate to the student that he wants them to waterski on the facade of the poem signaling the author's name on the coast. He wants the students to carry on playing with the poem. He wants them to continue playing with the poem, giving maybe a tad of credit to the poet, but not permitting the poet to speak how the poem will connect within the student's mind.
"But all they want to do"
Then the narrator grieves that as an alternative of these colorful and helpful ways of looking at and appealing a poem, all the students need to do it to tie the poem with a rope to a chair and torment an affirmation out of it. The students tend to think that the poem is a culprit, a thief or a burglar who is intentionally trying to spoil their understanding of the poem.
"They begin beating it with a hose"
This approach is so invasive that the narrator repeats this confrontational policy. After the poem is tied with the rope to the chair they began hitting it with a hose and to try to get it to surrender up the reward that would be courteously presented, if only they would take care of the poem with kind mischievousness and affectionate consideration.
The fifth and the sixth stanza are my favorite part of the poem where the author is trying to use the descriptions of water ski on the surface of the poem and to torment the poem to demonstrate the picture he is imagining for the reader. The part of water ski on the poem's surface and waving the name of the author will give you a feeling that the author made the reader to understand the poem and give you words to think about but now you are making your way across the words surface going away from the author and starting your own thoughts about what happens in the poem now is totally up to you and may be you will even happen to soak in the meaning of the poems words.