Free IP4-Marketing Essay Sample
Most people mainly see a business through its physical or visual manifestation as in name, logo and tag line. It should however be noted that the power of a brand is much more than its visual manifestation (VM) just as intellectual property (IP) is much more than just patents and trademarks (McGinnis, 2008). Brand and IP issues are on many occasions looked at as completely different, when the truth is that the two should always be thought of as similar and do go hand in hand. This is because both do not only involve design and graphics, but also have significant existing and emerging issues and are an integral part of risk management. In marketing, IP is much more than just graphics and the success of a business is only achieved through marketing that is often referred to as 4P's. This is in spite of marketing not been taken as seriously as finance and legal issues in an organization.
The 4 P's in Marketing
The 4P's in marketing stand for Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These four put together are known as "marketing mix", a term that was coined by Jerome E. McCarthy after studying Neil H. Borden's work on the ingredients in the marketing mix that went beyond the 4 P's to include Product planning, branding, distribution channels, personal selling, advertising, packaging, display, servicing, physical handling, and fact finding and analysis (Perreault, 2010). When the 4P's are put together and an equilibrium point found, that point becomes the target market. It is therefore inherent that for success, each of the 4P's must be merged appropriately in their right proportions; this is what a marketing manager and the organization at large should first achieve for the desired turnovers. The equilibrium shapes the entire product marketing approach before, during and after launch.
A product is the tangible, physical good and service, and product decisions are made on the basis of brand name, functionality, quality, safety, and packaging among other determinants. It is therefore important that these factors are gotten right for success. Every good or service should always go past its physical look and spark some element of customer emotion. This facilitates customer loyalty to the product. Decisions that influence price are usually volume discounts, seasons and market segmentation to mention just but a few. Price is itselfthe value that a consumer pays to obtain a product on offer (Perreault, 2010).
Getting right the aspect of price may be the magic to a marketing success. Some products would seriously fail for being priced below customer expectations,which would bring about customers' thinking that a product could possibly be sub-standard.Place is all about getting products to customers (Perreault, 2010). This would entail distribution channels, order processing, and transportation, among others. Promotion in "marketing mix" is all about passing of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response, which involves advertising, personal selling, sales force, as well as sales promotions.
Analysis of Techniques Used in Creating Ad Messages
Advertising has several techniques that have tremendous influence on consumer behavior. People perceive ad messages based on the medium used, the situation, manner on which the message is displayed, among other reasons. Manufacturers always use techniques that engage people's mind and trigger emotions that internally make one think of the product (Barter Publishing, 2006). A case in point is Coca Cola's "brrrrrr!" advert that was a big success globally. The Coca Cola Company has from time to time produced some of the best ads in our lifetime and this particular ad was no different. It portrayed Coke's global presence by taking images from different parts of the world and creating one clear message: Coke is as refreshing in India as it is in Africa, South America, Asia, America, Europe, or any other part of the world that one could think of. All drinkers of Coke in that ad had not only similar but also exiting "brrrrrr!" moments. Among the techniques used in creating the "brrrrrr!" message were:
The use of a Metaphor
The key message in the Coke ad was how fun and refreshing Coke was by using the metaphoric "brrrrrr!" reaction from Coke's drinkers. This gave room for customers to create their own idea of how refreshing Coke was, and everyone had the imagination of what this moment would feel and look like, which varied from one consumer to the next. The ad created some relation to Coca Cola that could only be explained by the consumer himself.
Interesting Character
The main character in the ad was an Idi Amin look alike. Most people have an idea of who the former Ugandan dictator was from either literature or the many movies that have been produced about him. Thought of the mean African dictator having a "brrrrrr!" moment was not only funny but also spoke volumes about how refreshing Coke is.
Promise of a benefit
The message was very clear in this ad "drink Coke and discover the "brrrrrr" in you, something that could only come out upon consumption of the product.
Use of Real Stuff
One should always make use of real situations and show people how they feel, what they feel and what they like. It is counterproductive to be unrealistic about details to your audience. The execution of the Coke ad was focused on mood and lifestyle. The application of these techniques is a sure way of succeeding at sending a clear message about a product and the coca cola case is a sure proof of their effectiveness.