Free Choice Therapy and Reality Therapy Essay Sample

In life, there are many challenges arising from various circumstances at different times. People are found confused, stressed, or depressed because of being overwhelmed by such situations that might lead to death due to the lack of proper mechanisms to tackle problems. In this case, it is as simple as making the challenge look insignificant by not dwelling much on it. According to the old club scout, things should be kept simple and provide lots of fun. William Glasser created the Choice Therapy and Reality Therapy based on such sentiments. In this case, Glasser tries to advise people mainly to relate their experiences and take efficient control measures in their lives. An overview of this paper is based on the two therapies or rather theories of reality and choice that people depend on in terms of the kinds of choices made by individuals while making decisions in their lives. 

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Choice Therapy and Reality Therapy

The Choice Theory suggests that actions and thoughts are chosen according to the current information received in life. Moreover, it argues that people speak what they face. In many instances, parents say that their children are making them crazy. Additionally, parents also complain of rising school fees, daily pressures, and occurrences of depression. Reality therapy is based on Choice Theory initially called Control Theory. William Glasser’s account puts an emphasis on decision-making and action taking in controlling a person’s life when they experience challenges, constraints, problems, and adverse situations. People make decisions in life based on the presumptions that the present and the past actions including stress, negative situations, and challenges affect them.  

Essential Concepts of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Bradley suggests that Choice Theory is a form of internal psychology that causes the thinking that choices result to certain behaviors, in hand, theorizing that people’s basic needs drive these choices. These basic needs include acceptance, love, belonging, survival, power, fun, and freedom. Additionally, the Choice Theory assumes that every individual has what he or she privately regards as his or her quality world. In this world, everything makes sense to that person, therefore, resulting to happiness and satisfaction. Moreover, the Choice Theory hypothesizes that people’s behaviors are characterized by four components including physiology, acting, feeling, and thinking. The combination of these four modules makes up total behavior. Nevertheless, Reality Therapy focuses on addressing the concerns of unsatisfactory relationships resulting from unfavorable behaviors. The therapy places importance of one focusing on their individual forms of behaviors rather than shifting it to others and in the end, playing the blame game. In addition, the reality Therapy emphasizes on people concentrating on the present events instead of those of the past, in hand, stopping the past from dictating current behaviors. 

The Practical Manifestation of the Therapies

Taking more responsibility for one’s behavior is an essential fundamental concept as far as Choice and Reality Therapies are concerned. Everyone is responsible for their deeds, therefore, allowing them to take responsibility for any consequences that may occur later. Dissatisfaction with or lack of relationships could be the main problem of unhappiness in people’s life today. Therefore, several maladaptive behaviors are chosen as the ones leading people into severe stressful life situations. Glasser provides the best answer to such frustrations by only employing the common elements of Reality Therapy, which include having a simple attitude toward one’s job without any complications, forgetting the situation, and involving fun making into the problem. Reality Therapy helps one to retain normal life situations and forget about the emotional upheavals in life. It has become a more philosophical approach rather than a technique. 

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The Effectiveness of the Therapies

The therapies developed by Glasser are helpful in many ways. Cameron argues that Reality and Choice Therapies use education systems and approaches in teaching necessary relationship habits. They have several recorded approaches that work as an effective way of promoting personal understanding. For example, the Choice Treatment has resulted in the high percentage of people whose personal knowledge helps them in the management of the events in their lives and seemingly to have more control over them. It is promoted through the strengthening of various techniques, for example, discussions, forums, seminars, conferences, and meetings. Moreover, it helps increase their level of happiness and satisfaction. In turn, people’s new life standards allow them to live their lives in accordance with their principles. Bradley further suggests that Reality Therapy proves its effectiveness through some basic needs, among which there is the power that enhances the sense of goal achievement and the feeling of self-worth of people. Love and belonging are also some of the needs whereby families and communities should have love for each individual in order to live well. Freedom gives independence helping people to maintain their wellbeing, have fun, relieve stress, and be able to apply survival tactics in terms of shelter, food, and clothing. The aspect of group experience is also realized through Reality Therapy. The seminars and discussion forums attended in the course of these meetings enhance the experience of the members helping them to interact in various groups. It creates different opportunities and benefits the team. For instance, they develop their listening, writing, and reading skills. Furthermore, they acquire the sense of ownership, security, and belonging to people helping them with inner peace. Additionally, these individuals develop various intimate relationships, peer confrontation opportunities as well as the acquiring of positive life norms, values, and other social skills.

Effective Group Work, Choice and Reality Therapies

Reality Therapy has been categorized as the most effective therapeutic strategy. According to Bradley, therapeutic strategies address the issues and complications of most sensitive problems and their treatment. When applied well in groups, which entail families, communities, and societies, it bridges the existing gaps between intolerance and ignorance by providing education and promoting equality. Therefore, it leads to a more unified community organization. In addition, Reality Therapy has been proved successful in the enhancement of understanding in stressful and challenging situations. Reality Therapy creates the ways of sensitivity and empathy toward authentication. 

Bradley suggests that Choice Therapy is a form of internal psychology, according to which, enables people to make various life choices leading to different behaviors. Choices are driven by the encoded basic needs. Encrypted basic needs include acceptance and love. Behaviors are made of components like acting, thinking physiology, and feeling. Therefore, working and thinking components and elements are combined to control one’s physiology and a degree of sense. Behaviors are mainly aimed at blocking the needs, wants, and what people get from life. Practices are essential in dealing with emotions since they make provision for control over life challenging circumstances. Reality Therapy mainly focuses on addressing the unsatisfying relationship issues that can cause unfavorable behavior, in hand, helping put an emphasis on action rather than a blame game. Blame games are avoided since they cannot control people’s behavior. 

Group Experience: Choice and Reality Therapies Applications

The treatments provide group experience as a major benefit, which is accompanied by many other advantages for both facilitators and participants. Bradley suggests that the enhancement of listening skills, ownership, and sense of belongings are the key advantages of group experience in Reality and Choice Therapies. Prototypical interpersonal responses are enhanced through group experience as well. The participants achieve these therapeutic advantages  while determining the possible ways to relate with other members of the groups. 

Group Home: Choice and Reality Therapies Applications

Group home refers to recognizing the therapeutic potential and examining it in a residential setup. The group home therapy involves cooperation, teamwork, and various types of support for individuals at home. It includes group home settings that display maladaptive behaviors. Therefore, the questions considered during such an approach consider whether the things done by someone in a particular group will cause impacts on the other members. These questions are aimed at creating and maintaining contact with people in the same home group. Therefore, a need for immediate focus arises while one should forget the past. On the other hand, Bradley argues that the treatment advocates for people to forget the symptoms and complaints of the past, which is the solution for maintaining contact and healthy relationship among the group home members. Bradley also advocates for an individual to focus on the counselors and guardians while changing negative attitudes and physiology. 

Glasser identifies seven deadly habits that contribute to damaging relationships. He argues that these deadly habits form part of the external factors that lead to damaging associations. They include bribing to reward control, blaming, punishing, complaining, nagging, criticizing, and threatening. Glasser adds that these factors contribute to plaguing, and ultimately destroying a group home environment. Therefore, he suggests that individuals should replace these demanding and controlling techniques of associations. He advocates for negotiations to resolve differences, acceptance, encouraging, listening, supportiveness, respecting, and trusting. 

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Leadership Styles

According to Bradley, leadership professionals include the skilled staff that mainly aids people in balancing their needs and wants help the participants. The facilitator assesses the social system to develop the balancing approach. It helps the groups to develop through the encouragement of the members who take more responsibilities. As a result, it helps in the building of various leadership styles, for instance, autocracy that presupposes making a decision without consulting team members due to lack of time.

BHT Skills

These are certain behavioral health technician skills. These skills include restating, active listening, clarifying, summarizing, interpreting, reflecting, modeling, and setting goals. It is the basic treatment and safety for those in a home group environment. They include being genuine, showing empathy, and having unconditional positive regard. Arguably, Cameron also suggests that applying BHT skills is critical to ensure that one is capable of handling daily challenges in a group or residential environment.

The Therapeutic Process of the Therapies

Bradley argues that the therapeutic process involves a therapist going through the procedure involving the matters of the non-existent relationships that do not bring satisfaction. The responsibility of the therapist is to help the client find the proper and more effective ways of satisfying his or her needs. Adequate personal and professional qualities are required for the therapists to build the therapist-client relationships. These qualities are empathy, positive regard, and genuineness.  

The Techniques and Procedures of the Therapies

Cameron suggests that treatment techniques include teaching, being positive, a sense of humor, the aspects of confrontation, questioning and answering, and giving feedback. The techniques help in the creation of effective counseling surroundings and the implementation of the specific critical procedures that lead to a basic relevant paradigm shift. Moreover, Bradley adds that having such skills is invaluable as they help to improve creativity and innovativeness. Arguably, through questioning and answering, one can teach their mind to be alert and inquisitive of the daily happenings allowing them not to be caught unaware in any situation. Nonetheless, a person can apply these teaching procedures to assist persons with learning difficulties in developing the necessary skills that would ensure that they improve their understanding.

The Validity of Reality Therapy and its Implication for Future Study

Bradley argues that Reality Therapy has helped in improving the relationships between individuals by building stronger bonds and assisting people to acquire the required skills to develop and maintain associations. It is an effective in research despite the fact that it has not been popularly used in the studies. Bradley also believes that the daily applications of the Reality Therapy are useful for individuals in terms of responding to the challenges in their relationships and benefiting them when building the stronger ones. Overall, more research is necessary in order to determine the ways to maximize the efficacy of Reality Therapy.


To conclude, Reality and Choice Therapies are essential in helping build and foster relationships. These treatments play a vital role in terms of maintaining satisfying personal relationships, home groups, group experiences, and behavioral health technician skills. Notably, people make decisions in life based on the presumptions that the present and past actions, including stress, adverse situations, and problems, affect them. The application of the aforementioned approaches enables people to express directly their ideas, subsequently, allowing them to construct healthy and lasting relations. Moreover, they strengthen one’s abilities to make rational decisions and take appropriate actions to control one’s life when facing challenges, being under constraints, solving problems, and handling adverse situations.


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