Free Radical Loving Care Essay Sample

Taking care of people involves compassion, support and making a good impact in the lives of the individuals who are being taken care for. In the health sector where they take care of patients, the people in charge of the patients should be passionate, have compassion and have a sense of purpose in regards to what they do (Kunz, 1995).  Their impact should have an influence on the patients both in body and soul. The heath personnel should be able to meet the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the patients they are caring for. Healing in not about the drugs that are administered to the patients but it is the care that the patient will receive that will make a difference. For a patient to be healed the main ingredient is love.

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For any hospital to be a centre for healing, love is mandatory. The personnel to develop this love in working in a difficult environment such as a hospital require a lot. An individual must have a calling to assist other for them to be able to show love. They must be able to share in the pain, anxiety and the happiness of the patients. A healing hospital is symbolized by a use of 3 symbols that are symbolic of the loving service that they provide. There is the golden tread that is a representative of faith in God who heals people (Buck, 2007). Another symbol is a pair on intersecting circles that represent the hope that we have and flows in and out of our hears when people are having an experience of love. The last symbol is a red symbol that is representative of the love in the place.

The spirituality of healing will begin with the first hospital staff on meets. The person doesn’t have to be a doctor, nurse or management, but it can be anyone who is a staff at the hospital. Therefore all the staff in a hospital must be able to provide that healing effect to the patients. The hospital and the staff must endeavor to not only serve the hospital but to also serve the community. Provision of spiritual help is crucial to all patients as is the right step that provides improvement and hope to the patients.

It is important for hospitals staff to learn that they have to do more than the call of duty to provide healing. They must improve their customer care and services so that they meet the needs of the community. This will only be possible through interactions with the community and realize that love is the first medicine that they should administer to a patient and should be continuously administered as it offers true healing. 


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