Free The Different Faces of Depression Essay Sample
According to Marano E. 2010, Mental health depression has recognized that patients display distinct clusters of clinical symptoms and these clusters are subtypes of depression. He continues to argue that patients with depression have mood reactivity, they can be cheered up to 50% in response events in their life, though temporarily. In addition to that people with depression are marked by a long standing pattern of extreme sensitivity. A depressed face is very different from a normal face and therefore very easy to distinguish faces depending on their levels of depression (Marano, 2010).
Depression characteristics are manifested in the photos found in the rare color photos from the Great Depression 1939-1944. The two pictures of Favo and Doris and the one for Whinnery family are a good example to analyze the faces of depression. The first picture of Whinnery family reveals that the family may be depressed. Although the picture reveals some closeness within the family members, the family members look very depressed. The members are not cheerful and look dull. The Whinnery family members also display some aspects of anxiety.
Anxiety is widely known to go hand in hand with depression since signs of anxiety and depression are known to overlap. The family member also seems to have a feeling of worthlessness. A feeling of worthlessness is very common in depression patients. This could be due to the problems the individuals may be undergoing through. This symptom is also prevalent on patients who are facing some difficulties in their lives. The first picture of Whinnery family reveals that the family may be depressed. Although the picture reveals some closeness within the family members, the family members look very depressed. The members are not cheerful and look dull. The Whinnery family members also display some aspects of anxiety. They also seems to have a feeling of worthlessness. A feeling of worthlessness is very common in depression patients. This could be due to the problems the individuals may be undergoing through. This symptom is also prevalent on patients who are facing some difficulties in their lives. The Whinnerys also displays a lot of pessimism. This can be seen from the look of their faces. The family seems to have very little hope on their future lives and this may be .one of the key factors contributing to their condition. The family also looks worried and guilt. The picture reveals that there might be something serious worrying the members. The Whinnerys also looks to have lost a lot of weight. Loss of weight is another condition which is very common in depression patients.
The second picture of Favo and Doris also displays some aspects of depression. Like in the fist picture, it can be seen by the look of the faces that Favo worried. This shows that he may be depressed like in the case of Whinnery family. However, Doris face displays some difference from both Favos face and the Whinnerys’s face. Doris’s face displays some hope and optimism. Doris also displays some cheerfulness unlike in the Whinnery’s picture where there the whole family looks dull.
Although both pictures displays symptoms of depression, Favo and Doris have not lost weight like in the case of the Whinnerys family.
In conclusion, both pictures the members have some anxiety. This is a symptom which patients with various forms of depression display. Both pictures show a sign of depression which has been carried from the past. Their faces show agony and this is a sign of depression.