Free Australia Sediba Essay Sample

According to Falk (2011), Australopithecus Sediba is an Australopithecus species in the early Pleistocene which was identified and associated with fossils dated nearly 2 million years ago. This exceptional species has is associated with at least four partial skeletons that were discovered in Malapa Fossil site in South Africa at a region referred to as the cradle of Humankind world heritage.      The four fossil skeletons are one juvenile male; MH1 as the fossil holotype, an adult female; MH2 and allegations are that the other two comprise of at least another adult and a close to 2 years old infant.  The MH1 and MH 2 are said to have been buried together and they are close to 2 millions years of age.

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Australopithecus Sediba initial specimen was discovered in the year 2008 by a paleoanthropologist nine year old son as he was exploring his father’s dig site in the dolomitic hills in the northern side of South Africa. The boy alerted his father and upon investigation he figured out a homid clavicle with a canine tooth sticking out. This is a fossil that is said to have been buried close to 2 million years back and it held much information regarding to human evolution and existence in olden days.

In the morphology and the associated interpretations of the fossils, basing on the wide range of he mosaic futures that were exhibited by the cranial and post cranial morphologies, it was suggested that Australopithecus Sediba was likely to be an old transitional species between south African; A.Africanus and either the homo habilis or home erectus (Fuente, 2011). The spotted similarities were that the cranial capacity of MH1 is at the higher end of A. Africanus and it is far from the lower range of homo, however, additional information pointed out that the mandibles and the size of the tooth are quite gracile and similar to what is likely to be discovered in Homo erectus. The cusp spacing was more of Australopithecus and despite MH2 being an adult, the MH1 tooth size was larger than that of MH1.

When compared to the A.africanus, Australopithecus Sediba is more inclined to homo than it is to A.ghali. This is emphasized by the noting of various synaponorphies that were regarded as an early anticipation to the reorganization of the Homo erectus pelvis which is associated with an advanced and energetic, efficient walking and running. The femur and the tibia of Australopithecus Sediba are fragmented and it has a primitive foot. The cranial capacity ranges from 420-450 centimeters square which is close to one-third of the modern human. In addition, the other discovery in Australopithecus Sediba was that it had modern hand whose grip is a suggestion of its association with the making of tools by Australopithecus.

However, the most critical question in this matter is whether Australopithecus Sediba is related to biological or physical anthropology. Biological anthropology is the study of the physical development of the human species.   This branch of anthropology plays a very important role in pale anthropology which is the study of human origins and a significant part in forensic anthropology which encompasses the investigation and classification of the remains of human for authorized aims. The associations of Australopithecus Sediba to various fossils related to human evolution is significant and a practical contribution to that area of study. Thus, it is essential to make a conclusion that Australopithecus Sediba is in great way related to physical anthropology which is the study of human origins. The discovery of the Australopithecus Sediba fossils in 2008 in Malapa national reserve in South Africa was breakthrough and a big step in the study of physical anthropology. The fossil has been associated with the evolution of Homo erectus and homo sapilis to the modern man due to its advanced characteristics and abilities that were not notable in the prior discovered fossils. For instance, Australopithecus Sediba was discovered to having a more primitive hand that enabled a firm grip that was proof to the ability of the Australopithecus Sediba to the making of tools and architecture. Such ability was lacking in the Homo erectus and homo sapilis prior discoveries which was justification of an advanced fossil of the human nature and development.

In such a case, it can be deduced that Australopithecus Sediba is a significant contributor to the branch of physical anthropology. This mans that the two; Australopithecus Sediba and physical anthropology are related in a significant manner and dimension. Biological anthropology being the study of human evolution and development has been able to gain a momentum from the discovery of the Australopithecus Sediba fossils dated to approximately two million years back. Such a discovery has seen the development of the biological anthropology to a section where paleoanthropologists have diverted much attention and effort as they try to make the respective discoveries related to human evolution and development. Such diverted and concentrated efforts have made it possible for the significant early determination of the human species and their origins. Thus, it can be clearly seen that Australopithecus Sediba is closely related to physical anthropology.

In summary, Australopithecus Sediba discovery was a significant effort in the unearthing of human evolutions and development. The fossil has been able to render to the paleoanthropologists a lot of information that has been realistic to the efforts towards the realization of human evolution and development from the early fossils. It is however realistic to make a conclusion that the study of human evolution and development was given a boost by the discovery of the fossils and the two; Australopithecus Sediba and physical anthropology are related significantly. 


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