Free Crisis in Schools Essay Sample
A crisis is an unstable situation where there is an abrupt change in the normal routine of a day. Crises are stressful. In a school situation, a crisis may take the form of depression, bullying or aggression towards students. This necessitates the development of an effective crisis management plan. It is important to educate the young people in schools on tips of crisis management. This will help them cope with such situations as would require these skills. This paper gives an analysis of how one can help students manage a crisis in a school situation. It focuses on bullying, depression and aggression among students. The paper also gives an outline of a crisis management plan that can be used to follow up a crisis in school. Finally, it discusses how one would detect suicide thoughts in a teenager or a child.
Managing Depression
As a nurse, there are a number of methods you can use to help depressed students. One of these methods is exercise. Exercise is a very good method of managing and treating depression, not only for students but also for other adults. Taking a 20-30-minute walk every day would be very effective. In addition to this, the students can also try jogging, dancing or riding bikes. Despite the fact that the depressed students may not even want to be active, it is important to emphasize the need for these exercises in a bid to manage depression. With time, exercising will become a habit for them, and they will enjoy it. The students may also try yoga poses. Some of these poses are known to relieve depression feelings. For example, the legs-up-the-wall and downward-facing dog poses. Moreover, meditation and breathing exercises are also good for managing depression.
Another method of helping depressed students manage the crisis is good nutrition. It is very important to eat a balanced diet. Although depression affects one's diet, whether young or old, feeding well and on a balanced diet would go a long way in managing the crisis of depression. Research shows that people who eat the right diets have better moods and are more energetic. Therefore, there should be efforts to ensure that these depressed students, or those predisposed to depression, have the right diet. This would include a lot of fruits, vegetables and more regular meals. It is also important to increase water intake. The depressed students should eat even though they don't necessarily feel hungry. For example, the students can ensure they always have some fruits and water in their bag so that they can have something to eat despite their location.
The third way in which one would help a depressed student would be to help them take their medication as prescribed. Most probably, these students would not even remember to take their medication. As a nurse, it would be important, as much as you can, to help them take this medicine (antidepressants) although there would still be some who you would have to pester. These drugs would help them relieve stress and are a good way of managing depression in the current world.
Counselling the students is another effective method of managing depression. In the counselling sessions, it is important to encourage the students to express themselves fully. Evidently, it may be quite difficult to get them to express themselves at first, but with time, as the counsellor interact with them, they develop a relationship, and it becomes easier.
It would also be vital to emphasize to the depressed students to identify their problems but to avoid dwelling on them. This would mean that they should try as much as they can to focus on the positive side of their life. You can also tell them to avoid reminiscing their troubles but instead focus on solving them one by one.
Managing Bullying
Bullying contributes to depression among students. Research shows that it is not only the bullied students who are likely to get depressed, but also those other students who watch others being bullied. To manage the bullying crisis, as a nurse, you can advise the management of the affected school to implement an effective anti-bullying program. This program should give tough consequences for any student who bully's another. Moreover, the students should be advised on the disadvantages of bullying their colleagues and the effect it has on their mental health.
Another tip you would use to help students deal with bullying in school would be to teach them to walk away from the bully. If you walk away from him/her, ignore or assertively and with composure tell them you are not interested, you overcome his/her power over you. Moreover, you can make this a routine until the bully has nothing left to do but accept the fact that you are not interested. It would also be vital to report to the school administration those students who bully others. You can also encourage the bullied students to get the support of those who do not bully; those whom they share values and interests. Boosting one's confidence and sharing your feelings are also good tips of managing bullying in schools.
Managing Aggression
As a nurse, you can help students learn how to handle their aggressive colleagues in a number of ways. One method would be by encouraging the students always to be busy. By this, they will have less time to spend on caring about their aggressive counterparts but rather on their studies and other beneficial activities. In addition to this, you can advise the students to tame their tongue as they speak to this aggressive students. This reduces such grotesque instances where there will be confrontations between students. It would also be essential to advise the management of affected schools to isolate those excessively aggressive students. They can also involve the parents of these students to help manage the students in different ways. The aggressive students can also go through counselling to ensure they know how to manage their moods and control their temper.
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School Crisis Management
The management of a school crisis would involve making a plan that can be implemented if need be. The plan should also stipulate the methods of prevention that will be used in crisis of management. As a nurse, you can advise and guide the management of schools on how they can come up with an effective plan. Specifically, as a nurse you can help on issues related to trauma, psychological stress and physical injuries in the event of a crisis and the prevention of it. It would be important also to follow up on the issues relevant to the nursing field in crisis management. Therefore, it would be wise for the school to involve a nurse to represent relevant medical issues in crisis management.
Detecting Suicide Thoughts in a Teenager or a Child
As a nurse or even a caregiver to children and teenagers, it would be very important to know how to detect suicide thoughts among the young people. This would help reduce suicide instances among the young adults since if detected early enough, it is possible to take the right steps in preventing this. One of the methods would be to observe the child or teenager for any signs of changed personality, behavior, eating habits and sleeping patterns. If the child or teenager sleeps too much or doesn't sleep at all, it can be a vital sign that they are stressed. This can insinuate to stress which if not treated, may lead to suicide. Moreover, if the child or teenager no longer concentrates in school, work, and other routines, it can be a sign that something is wrong, and that suicide may be in his/her mind. In addition to this, failing to eat (loss of appetite) or eating too much would also signal suicide thoughts due to stress. If the teenager or child appears to be withdrawn, sad, always anxious, indecisive, consistently tired or apathetic, it can point to suicide thoughts.
In most instances, you find that young people who have recently lost a loved one are most vulnerable to having suicide thoughts. The loss may be through death or divorce of parents. These young ones find it hard to cope with the situations and at times, opt for suicide. For this reason, it would be wise to monitor children going through a loss of any kind. They usually have reduced confidence in themselves and consequently low self-esteem. This is evident especially if they lose interest in friends, hobbies and other activities that they enjoyed before the loss.
Another way of detecting suicide thoughts in a teenager or a child would be listening to them talk. If you note consistency in them talking about dying, disappearing, jumping from high heights, shooting themselves, taking poison or harming themselves in any way, you should know they are likely to be planning to commit suicide. In addition to this, if the child or teenager has no hope for the future and does not believe that things will be any better, then it could be probable they are having suicide thoughts.
From the above discussion, it is evident that the young population too needs to be educated on crisis management. This will equip them with the necessary skills to handle life situations. The discussion also points to the fact that schools should do all they can to ensure that the learning environment is healthy and that students stay in harmony. This will involve the development of an effective crisis management plan that should seek advice from different fields, for example, the nursing field. This ensures that the plan is comprehensive. The discussion also alludes to the fact that it would be important for adults dealing with the young children to be cautious and observative in all aspects, especially for suicide thoughts, to eradicate instances of suicide among the youth.