Free Data Informative Decision Making Essay Sample

Data informative decision making is a decision is a decision making process the makes use of critical information in order to come up with a sound decision. For instance, a decision improvement on learning can be done using relevant background information and data generated through the assessment of students. Here the data is used to inform the decision being made. The knowledge of how to used this data to informal the decisions can be referred to as data literacy.

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Staff professional development literacy cycle, is a cycle that is meant to improve on the ability of staff to use data to inform decisions concerning the development of instructions for teaching and improvement of the classroom environment. The literacy cycle involves conducting assessment, obtaining relevant data, analyzing the data determining the conclusion, Planning Instruction and implementing the instruction after which assessment is conducted again keeping the cycle alive (Walker, 2009).

Conducting assessment

Assess to determine level of achievement of the current instructions and professional practices

Data meetings to determine the data needs for the process

Determine the gaps that require attention

Comparison with other similar institutions

Assessment at the heart of the process

It is the action around assessment - the discussion, meetings, revisions, arguments, and opportunities to continually create new directions for teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment - that ultimately have consequences. The 'things' of assessment are essentially useful as dynamic supports for reflection and action, rather than as static products with value in and of themselves.

Obtain relevant data

Data meeting are necessary to determine the data needs for the process

Determine the sources of the data needed

Determine how the data will be collected and availed to inform the decision making process

Analyze the data

The data is analyzed to determine its validity

A variety of analysis tools and techniques are used depending on the kind of data and the desired output.

Determine conclusion

This makes use of the information generated through data analysis. Conclusions are drawn from based on this information and entail ¡What is needs to be changed ¡What need to be improved ¡ Where the changes will be done ¡Professionals needed to perform the changes and improvements ¡The other resources required to perform this changes and improvements.

Plan instruction

Institute a process of  continuously monitoring the assessment data and other relevant information

Translate the information into deliverable curriculum instruction

The staff or educator need to design and redesign instructions based on the assessment data

Use of technological gadgets such as computers can help simplify this process

Implementing instruction

Once the instructions have been developed and planned, they are implemented as per the predetermined schedule created during the planning process.

Conducting assessments

The new instructions, their implementation, achievement and limitation are continuously monitored and assessed in preparation for the continuation of the cycle. 
Staff professional development literacy cycle leadership team

As Darling-Hammond, Ancess, & Falk (1995) noted, leadership is the art of getting other to do something that you want done because they want to do it. No process can take place without leadership. For the professional development literacy, it is important that a leadership team be selected to lead the process. This team should process several characteristics:

  • Knowledgeable of reading research
  • Should have a cheerleader
  • It should have a resource collector
  • Should be time conscious
  • It should understand literacy instruction
  • It should perform continuous assessment
  • It should forester collaborative learning communities. 

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