Free Television Essay Sample

A great concern has arisen over the fact that television viewing for young children is harmful to the child's language development, level of creativity, and rate of imagination. Studies have been carried out to show how cognitive, affective, behavioral, and effects of physical nature come as a result of children watching television. The effect of television on children comes as a result of dynamic processes whereby the viewer's content and that of the television interact. Viewers of the television are all different from one another and thus the same program being watched by viewers evokes different responses.

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There are several things that should linger in the minds of parents when they sit down with their family to watch a program. Watching violent scenes in the television programs by youngsters makes them violent in nature. Non discriminatory consumers can help develop their skills through the watching of television commercials. Value and styles portrayed in different television programs are easily adopted by young growing children. Those children who watch television are more exposed to worldly knowledge and events of the nation as compared to those who listen to the radio programs. Motion pictures on the young people has effects and thus should be dealt with seriously and immediately to avoid further forms of damage from occurring.

Children with the habit of watching television programs have developed cognitive, emotional, and physical effects. Television watching can become addictive both to parents and children thus should be controlled at all times. Control measures should be from within the youngster watching the television. Children still need guidance on what kind of program they are allowed to be watching at what age. They should also be advised on how they can be selective in accepting the things they see on TV. Programs need to be altered to suit the requirements of children and thus the parents, teachers, institutions of learning, and civic groups have been given the mandate to see to it that all programs are increased to accommodate the needs of the needs of children who are from different age groups. Parents should also limit the length of time their children spend watching TV programs.

Psychiatrists have pointed out that most of the young children who learn from watching television as an incidental process all together. When the child turns on the TV set, his/her mind is on entertainment and not on the learning aspect. They are eager to laugh, watch an interesting and enjoyable story, watch one of their many favorite television performances, and pass time as they await their parent's to come home. There are certain factors that are dependent on a child's incidental learning process and include: the ability of the child to learn, the needs that present themselves during the time they are watching the set, their familiarization with presented information on the screen, character identification degree on children, and how useful the information presented is to the child watching it.

Research carried out have shown that children learning from moving TV objects is high when the information viewed looks real. Children have very limited experience which does not provide them with experience for references thus high incidental learning processes are encountered especially when the program they are watching promises them to have useful tools for their socialization process. They also get heroes who pose as their role models hence the children will identify themselves with these characters. Dressing style, communication techniques, and behavior are some of the things that are starred up in the motion pictures and television among young viewers s.

Television is a very powerful media affecting the behavioral patterns of viewers including those who seek entertainment programs only. Individuals have different personal experiences when watching the television programs. There are those children who detach themselves from the screen and view the program critically while some of them get terrified from just watching the fictional demonic stories presented by the characters. The first factor that influences the child is the fact that they are all different viewers, but the same TV programs that evokes in them varying responses.    

Television content is another factor that influences the child since the content of the television is more than a told story or communicated information. Children get an implicit and or explicit style is advocated to their systems on how they are going to deal with conflicts as they arise. The child's environment, national and international events of the nation is given different interpretations with the aim of capturing their attention and interest.

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In 1993, a research was conducted on the effects of Mozart which showed that listening to this kind of music produced an increase in spatial skills of reasoning in college students for approximately ten minutes. Authors of this research later complained that people misunderstood their research in popular cultures around the globe giving it an implication that it gave students a general increase in intelligence. In 2007, a research conducted for children under the age of two in a Washington University on the effects brought about by the television and DVD/video viewing on their development of language. The research carried out was performed through the use of telephones and interviewing the parents of these children. The conclusion was that those infants aged between 8 and 16 months were associated with strong lower scores on tests of language development due to the watching of too much television programs and DVD's/videos. This theory was also used for those videos that were baby oriented and not for other.

To the toddlers (17 to 24 months), the same research was carried out but no positive or negative effects were found for any media forms viewed. However, high language scores among this group are greatly associated with the daily reading routine and storytelling sessions followed by caregivers and parents. It was scientifically proven that each hour a day that is used by babies to watch DVDs/videos; infants are the only group that understood the highest of six to eight fewer words than those infants who did not watch them. This in essence meant that the toddlers had a 17 point deficit in score of language thus recommended that the parents and caregivers limit the use of these entertainment mediums.

For other video genres, no effects were found since the effects relates to some aspects of video babies format. Baby video employs very little language in their videos which has resulted to the above lower scores of language tests and development in toddlers. The presence of background television in the videos can be able to reduce parent child interaction thus displacing some rich language used in interaction. Those children with less language development will be forced to watch those videos with little proficiency in language from other viewers.

Childhood stage is the period in time that youngsters need to deal with real life situations and family socialization so as to discover them and be able to identify with the world surrounding them. Children of all ages need to know other people, develop friendship ties, to learn how to express, how to communicate with other people, to learn the skill of reading and writing, how to solve practical problems in life, and be able to fully experience a fulfilling and satisfy social life in context. The more these children get exposed and absorbed inn watching television, the less the time spent on experiencing an active social life and develop skills of communication needed for an effective and rewarding life in future. Through communication, children get the opportunity of choosing the language they want to develop and incorporate in their system bearing in mind how they interact with their parents. Heavy children viewers of the TV set normally perform poorly in school.

The databases used to find articles of this language development hypothesis were not that fruitful in some instances as they were not accessible areas. However, the few resources used did manage to come up with the article displayed above which clearly answers the hypothetical phrase by agreeing with it fully. For the above article, I used terms related to the hypothesis which were very compliant and useful to me as a writer and scholar. Not all the articles in this paper were from primary sources of data. There were those I got from the books and others from interviewing the parent's of the children. The primary source was the one where I telephoned some teachers and asked them some questions pertaining the growth and development of language in their children. The secondary sources are the ones listed in the referencing part.

In conclusion, the effects of children's development are detrimental to their language development process which needs to be nurtured at an early stage in their growth stage. Language development in children is important as it will enable them grow mentally hence will be in a better position to communicate fluently with other. Language development process differs from one child to another. There are those who are slow in learning while others are fast and anxious to learn and write immediately. These kinds of students become competitive business men and well thus are established in life.


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