Free Fate Essay Sample
The use of the word ‘fate’ remains a relevant segment in the today’s English world. ‘The other Wes Moore’ presents a critical view concerning the term. Two kids did possess the name. Moreover, they did live in the same neighborhood. They were both exposed to the different hostilities of life. However, one of the ‘Wes’ chose to lead a life that was exemplary. For instance, he underwent proper education and ended up securing a scholarship. On the contrary, the other Wes became a robber. One time after taking part in robbery activity, the other Wes could not understand the unsettling coincidences that existed between them. In fact, he could not understand how these other individual name Wes had such similarities with him yet seemed to follow a different path of life.
Consequently, he wrote a letter to him inquiring his legitimate existence. He questioned his whereabouts and the motive behind his taking part in killing a police officer. However, from the correspondences, he did discover that he had a different life from the Wes, who at the given time was in prison convicted of murder. The happening of the story draws one to question the role of fate in defining one’s destiny. In other words, had fate played a role in distinguishing the ultimate end of these two individuals who had similar names and area of living? One would also question if fate and choice were two contradictory words. The comprehension of the word ‘fate’ is, therefore, significance in exploring one’s personal and social belief concerning their well being on earth.
Personal Interview
I did conduct an interview with a Counseling Psychologist based within the city. In essence, I did consider him a professional in the use of the word owing to the type of job that he does. Counseling is a career that involves people who face different issues in life. My first desire was to request him to elaborate on the meaning of fate. The professional did inform that fate was the occurrences of events that were beyond the natural control of an individual. In other words, it was a term that is used to denote the supernatural power behind the happenings in the life of a person. The professional drew my attention to historical events that had caused the massive use of the word. For instance, there is a Greek myth that denoted three goddesses who had power over the life of an individual.
They would define the birth and life of the person. The destiny of a person would be defined by three sets of fate that included Lathesis, Atrophos and Clotho. Consequently, people used to believe that fate was already predetermined. Further, I did ask the professional what was his view concerning fate. He did inform me that while life has a course, one cannot throw his entire future to uncertainties.
However, he was quick to mention to me that most of his clients used the word fate as an excuse for the pain and challenges that characterized their lives. Fate was, therefore, a crucial vocabulary in his job. It defined his client’s personal belief. Nevertheless, to accomplish his role as a counselor, he did tell me that he had to make people develop a broader perspective of life. He would remind them that they still had an opportunity to restructure their lives. In his view, there were instances that people would wrongly use the word. For example, a husband and wife who refuse to work out their marriage were not justified to say that fate was the reason for their divorce. Evidently, for the professional, fate is a word that denoted an already defined destiny. However, it continues to be misused in the present age.
Four Additional Sources
Fate is, thus, an important one in displaying deep emotions and one’s personal condition concerning his life. The Essence of Buddha is a textbook discusses the relevance of the word. The author, Okawa, takes sufficient time to discuss his view regarding the word and the reality thereof. Accordingly, one’s destiny is a combination of many factors that an individual can have partial or impartial control. He views fate as a complex word that must denote the role of our spirituality. He highlights some of the factors that contribute to one’s fate. Top on the list is the desire of our soul that he calls Karma. The second and subsequent point is the family environment. Others include self-discipline, and the influence of other people. Okawa is keen to note that among the factors they are those that one have control. However, there are those that take much effort to regulate. Consequently, according to his perspective, fate is not wholly supernatural control over a person’s life. He, therefore, draws three segments that defines fate. First, one must consider the reincarnation process. The other one is the contribution of an individual in building his life since incarnation. Finally, one must be well-informed of the spiritual influence. He notes that while fate is a personal voice of view, one must not erase the role of choices in shaping one’s final destiny.
Destiny has been used as a synonym to fate. The dictionary offers varied meaning and use of the word. The first meaning denotes the unavoidable events that befall an individual. It can be a good or a bad occurrence. When a person uses the word, it shows his deep conviction that he did not have total control over what happened. However, the second meaning explains that it is a universal model that perpetuates the ultimate prescription of a thing. In other words, there are decrees that must occur. It is similar to the third meaning that defines fate as am inevitable ultimate happening. For example, death is a fate that everyone must face. It is, therefore, a prophetic declaration of what must happen. According to the example, it is mainly unfortunate occurrences that include death and destruction. The dictionary thus presents three distinct meaning of the word. It means that their utilization within a sentence defines the meaning that a reader comprehends.
The Bible is another holy book that discusses the subject of fate in an exemplary manner. Paul, one of the famous authors of the New Testament epistles, talks about the fate .In his epistle according Romans 4; he explores the need to believe in the lordship of Jesus. According to him, fate is the opposite of life. When one develops faith in Jesus Christ, he has the access to eternal life. On the contrary, anyone who despises the lordship of Jesus succumbs to destruction. He becomes one of the people condemned to eternal judgment. In his view, fate is the eternal damnation that awaits all people who deny Jesus Christ as Lord. Nevertheless, it is vital to note that Paul exposes that an individual has the right to choose his fate. In other words, the choice that one makes determines the destiny. If you decide to change and embrace godly things, then you will not become a vessel of dishonor. The Bible, therefore, uses the term fate to encourage people to embrace holy living and do away with sin that hurt the world. The word, in this case depicts a religious ideology of life.
Invictus is a poem by WilliAm Henley that brings out another significance of fate in defining one’s emotion. The persona of the poem is an individual that seems heart broken by the events of life. He talks of a painful darkness that covers him. There is the pit that seems close to swallowing him. However, despite these events, his soul remains unconquerable to fate. He acknowledges the circumstances around him. He detests the bloodiness in his space. Moreover, he notes the wrath and tears of his existence. However, he arises towards the end of the poem to reiterate that he is the master of his fate. He emphasizes that he has mastery over his soul. In this regard, one sees fate as the painful events that characterize the life of the person. They cause him to experience pain and tears. Moreover, he reaches a point that he desire to give up. However, contrary to what one expects, the person recognizes that he has full control in his life. Therefore, fate is the course of life according to the author. It is not wholly a matter of supernatural forces that define the events.
Synthesis of the Sources
The four credible sources point out to the fact that fate is a fundamental word in illustrating the personal and social emotive perspective of a person. From the onset, one must note that there are similarities and differences from the distinct sources. The textbook by Okawa and the poem agrees on the fact that one has some partial control over his life. In other words, they refute the tendency of a person to resign his life to fate. They both agree to the external facts that contribute to shaping the fate of a person. However, according to their discussion, one can choose to control the issues that happen in their lives. For instance, one can decide to live a life that leads to success.
There is no person who is given to misfortune. Time and opportunity occur to all men. The view is reiterated by the finding of the holy scripture of the bible. When the bible discusses the aspect of life because of believing in Jesus, it is simply emphasizing that one has the right to choose the life that they want to lead. In other words, if you desire death, you simply have to disregard Jesus in this life. It, therefore, emanates that choice influences one’s fate. However, it is vital to consider the other meanings that dictionary bring out. For example, it notes that fate is a decreed prophetic declaration that must take place in the life of an individual. For instance, everyone who is born has an eternal course that he life must follows. The view is similar to the professional finding in his word. Fate is a word that depicts the deepest emotions of disappointments that occur in the life of a person. In fact, if one cannot account for the misfortune, using the word fate comforts his soul. Needless to say, every one desires to blame an external party for the mishappening that they encounter.
Fate is, therefore, a critical word that requires much consideration. The reality surrounding depicts the fact that the word portrays one’s personal convictions, emotion and social significance. Moreover, establishing the truth concerning its use is important. In other words, is fate a decreed occurrence? Can one can have some control over the events that happen in their life?. If use appropriately, it can encourage people to pursue the best life. However, its misuse may cause people to resign their lives to uncertainties. In fact, they may stop working hard with the perspective that there is no long-term return. Fate is a word worth further exploration.