Free Humanitarian Intervention Essay Sample

Executive summary

The  purpose  of  this  study  is to  investigate  Humanitarian Intervention  in  Iraq  in terms  of  the     legitimacy  of  the  intervention  and  the   choice  of  military  forces  to  be  used  in  the  intervention.  From basic  understanding, humanitarian  intervention refers  to  the  use  of  the  military by  one sovereign  state  to  carry  out  armed  intervention  in  another   sovereign  state  with  the  intention  of   alleviating  or   putting  an  halt  to  the  suffering  of  the  population  in  the  second  state (Hehir 2010).  This  suffering  could  be  caused  by  factors  such  as civil  war,  humanitarian  crisis  as  well  as  other  crimes  such  as  genocide.  Carrying out  humanitarian  intervention  in  many  countries  in need of  one    has  been  harbored  by  lack  of  a  unanimous  agreement  by  the  countries  which  make  up  the  global  organizations  which  are  supposed  to  authorize  the  intervention (Hehir 2010).  There  is  also  the  issue  of  the  choice of  the  military  forces  to  carry  out  the  intervention.  Controversies  and  accusations  of  selfish  interests  of  achieving  certain  military  goals  by  the  country  which  supplies  the  forces  have  come  up  in  several  interventions (Seybolt 2007).  This  area  of  research  is  therefore  quite  important  to  the  international  community  since  it  has  several  legal,  humanitarian  and  many  other  implications  which  affect  the  globe.  Previous  research  has  not  addressed  adequately  several  issues  in  this  area  and  this  is  of  great  concern.   

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Research objectives.

The following questions are intended to be solved in the study:

1. The justification for humanitarian intervention in Iraq.

2. The legitimacy of the intervention.

3. The choice of the military forces and other military realities.

Review of related literature.

To  a  large  extend,  the  humanitarian  intervention  in  Iraq  was  justified.  This  is  because  the  regime  had  waged  several  wars  against  its  neighbors  such as  Iran and  Kuwait  which  were  not  justified  and  which  resulted  to the deaths of  many  of  its  civilians.  Additionally, the regime sponsored and sheltered several terrorist networks. The  regime also  ordered  the  decapacitation  of  its  opponents  and  their   subsequent  beheading  with  their  heads  being  placed  outside  their  homes. There  were  also  accusations of  the  possession  of  weapons  of  mass  destruction  by  the  Iraq  regime (Hehir 2010). If these accusations are true, then they form a sound base for an intervention. 

Interventions  by the United  States  have  always  suffered  legitimacy  problems  largely  because  of  the  controversial  record  of  previous  U.S.  interventions.  The fear of a U.S.  imperial future has also been a  problem (Hehir 2010).  The  intervention  was  though  not  legitimate  since  it  was  approved  by  only  four  out of  the  fifteen  members  of  the  UN  security  council.  Eleven  member  states  were  of  the  opinion  that  weapons  inspection  should  be allowed  to  continue (Hehir 2010).  It   was wise   for  the  intervening  state to  obey  the  decision  of  the  majority members  of  the  security  council. 

Its  widely  believed  that,  humanitarian  operations  can  only  be  successful  if  carried  out  by   a  military  force  capable  of  carrying  out  land  operations.  The U.S.  army  though  successful  in  defeating  the  regular  Iraq  army  has  now  suffered  numerous  challenges.  The  army  has  been  very  unsuccessful  in   dealing  with the  irregular  Iraqi  insurgents  as  well  as  maintaining  the  military  occupation (Hehir 2010).  The  presence  of  such  extremist  groups  which  carry  out  suicide bombings  against  the U.S.  forces  may  change  this  perception  of  using the  army  for  a successful  intervention.  The  insurgents  have  been  so  hard  to  deal  with  such  that  the  U.S.  army  may  be  reluctant in  carrying  out  such  unconventional  operations  including  humanitarian  interventions  in  the  future (Hehir 2010). 

Research design/methodology

In  the  proposed  research,  data  collection  will  be  majorly  based  on  library  research  as secondary  information  while  primary  information  will  be  from  interviews  carried  out  on  the  civilians  of  the country  as well  as  U.S.  military personnel.   Surveys will also be used to collect data. 

Information collected will be analyzed through use of content analysis. Content analysis is the art of describing behavior through asking questions like who, what, where within specific rules so as to reduce biasness. Narrative summary analysis will also be used to give explanations of participant's views to avoid reliance on raw data only.


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