Free Is Travelling Safe or Dangerous? Essay Sample

Safety is the essential prerequisite prior to embarking on a travel, especially in the modern societal settings that are increasingly characterized by uncertainty, hijackings and terrorism. Travel safety is a complicated subject that attracts various viewpoints from travelers and the companies offering travel services. Travelers are in constant need of their safety assurance; whereas, the travel services companies are always claiming to have strengthened their travel security measures. The September 11 was a wake-up call for both government and travel services companies regarding the need to tighten security during travel. As a result, different companies have implemented appropriate proactive measures to enhance the safety of the people who are travelling. The fundamental inference after a review of the potential sources used in this conversation is that regardless of the transport safety hazards, such as fire, assault, accidents and ergonomic hazards, effective pre-travel precautions can be adopted to reinforce travel safety and mitigate the potential hazards during travel.

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Summary of the Sources

Cliff, Terry. Travel Safe: Using Your Head As Well As Your Feet : Including U.S. State    Department Guidelines. New York: Globe Pequot, 2003.

The author argues that travelling is inevitable in this modern world. In addition, September 11 was a wake-up call for governments and travel services companies to reinforce travel security. Based on this perspective, travel security and safety have increased since September 11, as evident by the tightened airport security measures and checkpoints on other forms of travel, increased awareness by the members of the public regarding safety and the overall increase in public safety.

Eime, Roderick. Passport to Death: The Truth Behind The Danger of Travel. 2003. 3 February   2012 <>.

The report highlights the primary dangers associated with travelling and their associated risks. The travel hazards include airline crashes, which have minimal chances of survival; exotic diseases that are likely to affect the traveler; and the increase in kidnapping and terrorism. However, the bottom line is that the risk of death is the same for both travelers and people staying at home. Therefore, pre-travel preparations are important to boost travel security.

Gustav, Gedatus. Travel Safety. New York: LifeMatters, 2000.

The author highlights the potential dangers associated with travelling during the postmodern societal set-up. Therefore, travelling is considered dangerous because of transport accidents, assault, suicide attacks, robbery and theft, and unfavorable weather conditions. The author concludes there is no need to travel in the modern society, because almost everything can be monitored from home, saving time and money.

Lauvik, Kjell. Travel Safe - Travel Smart: A Comprehensive Guide to Travel Security. New York: Trafford Publishing, 2008.

The author advocates for a more proactive approach to travel safely by claiming that it is primarily dependent on the person travelling. As a rule, safe travelling can be achieved by avoiding situations that make travelers vulnerable to travel hazards. Pre-travel planning is central towards safe travelling. 


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