Free Laws of Evolution Essay Sample

Genrik Altshuller discovered the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving deducing that while the evolution of technology is being brought about in hasty steps, at the end it repeats itself. TRIZ associates not with the original mechanism, processes and machines, but rather with their designs. Its  idea and equipment are not entitled to exact objects and, so, may be associated to the discussion and synthesis of any advancement its nature not withstanding. TRIZ also associates all outputs, production stages and advancements as systems of technology (Fey & Rivin, 2005). TRIZ attempts to deduce that, the evolution of technological systems is not random, but its is guided by certain ethics (Fey & Rivin, 2005)

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When one is familiar with these laws, the expectation is that evolution of technology will take place. It also gives a hint on how to come up with systems which are a bit fast avoiding wastage of time and resources while looking for a way out. TRIZ helps one to differentiate between use of laws of systems of technology and those regarding mechanics (Fey & Rivin, 2005). If a moving object position is identified for a given period of time, its position later can be found by the application of the same equation. Evolution law of provides a simpler way out elaborating the lifespan of the system in the space. If the system current configuration has been provided for, the possibility of that in the future can be predicted (Fey & Rivin, 2005). The analogy, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving portrays Altshuller's first intention when inventing TRIZ. He really liked the idea of putting in place the uncertainty which comes as a result of trying and making erroneous mistakes with a calculated approach to come up with solutions to solve hard challenges in the engineering sector (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

In his attempt to introduce TRIZ he ended up coming up with a method which by far exceeded the needs of the presented challenge and allows room for one to predict problems that may arise in future and eventually their solution ( Fey & Rivin, 2005). TRIZ is presents a two fold disposition of a technological system evolution and a method for the effective development of latest technological system. It presents double main sub systems based on the technological system laws; a set of ways for inventing systems for identifying and developing technologies for next generation (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

The use of TRIZ has faced many challenges in an attempt to use it by common people. The functions of some gadgets which are bought can present a new set of problems when one does not understand the terms as used. A good example that is derived is when one thinks a plane propeller is used in driving the aircraft. Looking at this, it would be an inaccurate disposition because it tampers with the defining role of the original function (Fey & Rivin, 2005). The propeller helps in regulating the air and this creates an atmospheric pressure that helps to make the plane move thus the function of the propeller is to regulate the air. Another problem altogether is the use of TRIZ terms which are somehow technical. The language used somehow is the common one which is not close to the TRIZ terminologies (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

The rate at which invention is being brought into existence may be by far affected by factors such as efforts persons in coming up with inventions, forces emanating from the market, political situations, cultural practices among others (Fey & Rivin, 2005). The steam engines, electric vehicles, automobiles, airplane, radio, ball pen, laser, transistor, integrated circuit, and all other major innovations would have been invented sooner or later even if their actual inventors were not born. Hundreds of inventions have been made incorporating various designs brought about by aerodynamic requirements, availability of new materials and systems for example air bags, anti-lock brakes, changes in power train for example, front wheel drive, smaller but powerful engines, customers taste and the artistic tastes of designers (Fey & Rivin, 2005). Technological systems are constantly under pressure from the society directly or through market forces to evolve into better performing systems into systems requiring fewer resources to manufacture, or into systems that combine several performance functions. This evolution is represented by incremental changes as well as breakthroughs. These changes are brought by evolution. Thousands of individuals make big and small inventions every year but only a small fraction of the inventions are implemented (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

In a nutshell, this article will address the laws of evolution citing examples of each of the laws. These laws come as follows: law of increasing degree of ideality; law of transmission to a higher level system; law of non-uniform evolution of sub -systems; law of increasing dynamism (flexibility); law of transition to micro-level; law of completeness; law of shortening of energy flow path; law of increasing substance-field interactions; law of harmonization of rhythms. These laws were formulated after the analysis of tens of thousands of patents and the historical development of numerous life systems (Fey& Rivin, 2005). Something worthy noting is that not all these laws are applicable to all stages of systems' evolution. Some of them-the laws of increasing ideality, non-uniform evolution of subsystems, transition to higher level system, and increasing flexibility- govern the evolution of technological systems at all stages of their historical development. At a glance all technological systems whether newly invented, usually undergo several stages of evolution of their diverse subsystems. This evolution which is not universal eventually leads to crisis among the subsystems that require being resolved (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

Law of increasing degree of ideality. It is the primary law of the evolution of technological systems. Evolution of technological systems proceeds in the direction of an increasing degree of ideality. This is interpreted to say that, in the process of evolution, either the system performing certain functions becomes less complicated, costly or problematic or becomes unable of conducting its functions in amore better way. Combination of these evolutionary processes also often occurs (Rey & Rivin, 2005). Degree of ideality is on the rise and can be seen in the evolution of many well known systems. The prices of television sets have gone down almost ten times as much over the last ten years, and so did their consumption of power. In this same period, digital televisions have come into existence alongside colored sets. In the same breath, the television operation is no longer manual, most television sets are remote operated and this has reduced mobility. The same latest sets can be set to go on at a given time and go off at a given time automatically. With coming of complex mobile phones, one can access TV services at any location.

Although prices are escalating of modern high power, accuracy and speed machine tools are increasing, the cost of a part produced on these gadget tools is decreasing due to their continuously growing productivity. At the same time, the accuracy and surface finish of the manufactured parts are improving non-stop. Machines which bear an improved level of ideality stand a higher opportunity of becoming conquerors in the trading areas and stay for quite a long period. This brings comprehension on how to choose the best technology (Fey & Rivin, 2005). In the modern market, the more expensive and high power consumption is the more efficient the system is. This can be interpreted to say mean that some vehicles which usually consume more fuel have more complex engines and this means they are fast on the road. For example, a Mercedes Benz can run at a speed of 220kph meaning that if the journey is 440km it will take it a time frame of 2hrs at the minimum to cover that distance. The fuel consumption, given that it has more pistons than the ordinary car will be very high. If you compare this with another model of a car like for example a Toyota Hilux, things will be very different. It might take 3hrs to 4hrs with the fuel consumption being on the lower side.

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Law of increasing dynamism (flexibility). When introduction of a new system is done, is so as to come up with a solution of a certain challenge which has been experienced somewhere. The gadget is expected to operate in a given habitat at specific eras etc (Fey & Rivin, 2005). Almost in all sectors at any given time, inventors have seen the need to improve different gadgets to suit the need or even to bring to an end a nightmare that has been experienced over time. The introduction of all these technologies are in such areas as manufacturing firms, health departments, educational fields, social places, financial fields, music industry or entertainment industry among other areas (Fey & Rivin, 2005). With all these areas mentioned, I will start by giving examples in the different areas mentioned above. In the entertainment industry, there has been an introduced new gadget in an attempt to solve some problems in those sectors. For example, the need to introduce wireless music systems is so as to reduce the hectic work of having to buy so many electrical cables in an attempt to connect the system. The wireless gadget has made it easier for even the most ignorant person to operate those gadgets because there are no complicated connections. A good example of such is the home theatre music system. The system is basically wireless and has sensors that can sense sound from a distance and respond. The operation is quite simple as everything is centralized thus making it easier for the owner. The sound system of this music system is quite manageable. Some of its speakers can be disconnected from the centralized operating system making it easier for the owner to put the volume just enough for him or her.

On the same note, the music system can be set to go on air at a given time the owner feels like. This has enabled the owner to kill so many birds with only one stone. Another invention in the entertainment industry which has helped solve many problems that had remained a nightmare for quite sometime is a DVD (Digital Video Disc) player. This music system has evolved with time with the latest one being fitted with the USB (Universal Serial Bus) and SD (Secure Digital). This has made it possible for the machine to be used with such gadgets as flash disc which has bigger memory compared with the ordinary discs which can hold a few MBs (Megabytes) in terms of the storage capacity. With the use of a Universal Serial Bus, a phone with a memory card can be connected to the DVD player and this enables one to access entertainment from a wide variety of sources. The same has enabled people to access entertainment from the computer. The USB facility has helped in solving many problems. This is where the law of increasing dynamism has been applied in the entertainment industry.

The same law has been applied in the communication sector. This has been seen being applied in the cellular phones and has helped a great deal. To begin with, there was need to come up with a communication gadget that will make communication more quick and effective. Through the mobile phone one can communicate to people directly without waiting for a third party to be connected. The old days when one had to wait for a person to get into the house so as to reach them are long gone. The same gadget has made it possible for people to send money and pay their bills such as electricity bills with a touch of a button. Through this, the issue of somebody going all the way to pay bills has been made much easier. People no longer have to visit the cyber cafes all the times as they can access internet facilities right in the house and anywhere else they perceive appropriate and comfortable. Some phones are also fitted with entertainment facilities such as TVs and games. This makes it possible for one to enjoy the privilege of being entertained anywhere anytime.

Law of completeness: this law deduces that, a more complex system can be advanced or rather improved to reduce complexity and make it more effective and easier to operate. The complete technological system can also be said to be how an object is acted upon by a tool; how the energy is transmitted so as to be connected to the object; the guidelines of operation; how to control the system so that it can work (Fey & Rivin, 2005). The CTS gives a hint on how to create a complicated, time conscious systems and to present a way to reach the combination between the designed systems. The learners are required to come up with guidelines on how to solve challenges using the already existing scientific inventions so as to improve the situations presented. The CTS provide learners with an opportunity to attempt replacing some of the organs of the already existing system to be in a position to operate effectively and overcome the challenge with easiness (Fey & Rivin, 2005).

A classic example where the law of completeness has been applied successfully is the automated teller machines commonly known as ATM. When the system was introduced, it was not only complicated to operate but even rather slow in its way of operation. It created no big difference between queuing in a bank waiting for your turn to come so as to withdraw cash. There was a growing need to come up with a simpler and quicker method to serve customers within the shortest time possible. The ATM was through CTS studied and the only other way was to integrate the system with a cellular gadget so as to reduce congestion in the banking halls. Earlier on, individuals would queue in the banking halls in order to pay their bills. When the system was studied through CTS it was discovered that it can be operated in a simpler way for one to access cash from the bank without necessarily having to go there. This new invention has made it possible for one to distribute money from the account right from the house. The new system allows one to pay such bills as electricity bills, fuel bills, water bills, school fees among other right from the house with a touch of a button.

Law of Non-Uniform Evolution of Subsystems: a system with technicality comprises of different organs which changes differently with time giving room for other technical and tangible complications (Fey & Rivin, 2005). This evolving is based on the needs, demands by customers and circumstances resulting to a subsystem which is not uniform. It is observed that, the more complicated the system produced is, the rate of being not uniform is equally on the higher side (Fey & Rivin, 2005). A good example is the evolution that the desktop computer has experienced over a period of time. The system has been improved with times to come up with computers that have a high processing speed compared with the ones that were there before. A computer with a 2.5 processing speed is rather slow compared with 3.0 speeds.

The hard disk capacity ha tremendously been improved so that computers can hold more data. This has made the operation system of these computers to become very efficient as they are rather quick. On the same note when connected to a printing machine, the output is very classic and of high quality. The soft wares have also been improved with latest being Windows 2007. When using the internet the speed of opening the mail portals is equally on the higher side. This is the same thing when downloading data from the web.

Law of transition from Macro to Micro-Level: the system can be replaced by components smaller and Microsystems (Fey & Rivin, 2005). A god example is the computer where it has evolved to a sleek laptop from the analog big computers. The gadget can connect internet waves without having to be connected i.e. wireless. The laptop is portable and is not affected by power failure. This is because it possesses an internal battery than enables it to access power 24/7. Another system that has evolved to result to sleek but efficient gadget is the cellular phone. The big cellular phones have been compiled into a smaller gadget which has many features like GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) which enables one to access internet services through the phone. The television sets have also evolved with time to digital sleek sets from the huge analog sets. The gadget is more sensitive to network and can bring clear images than the analog.

Law of Shortening of Energy Path Flows: the path in which energy follows can be shortened just like in information to something that requires less processing to enable access (Fey & Rivin, 2005). A good example is the transformation of books and journals among others into the websites to make them rather simple to access. The processing has been made rather simple. The information is even rather secure and cannot be tampered with by individuals with any bad intentions.

Law of Transition to a Higher-Level System: this specific law attempts to explain evolutions of systems which can be used in a more complex system other than their original systems (Fey & Rivin, 2005). This is done to improve on the productivity in the long run the evolution of the photocopier machine is a good example. The old one was rather slow and less efficient. With the introduction of the copy printer with a higher level system the efficiency has tremendously improved. In conclusion, all these laws are being applied everyday and life is being made easier each waking day as inventions on simpler, affordable, environmental friendly, faster and efficient are being invented.


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