Free Mood Regulation Essay Sample

This section shows the progress made on the research going on and some of the challenges which have been met so far. This section also outlines the tasks remaining and a rough estimate of how long it will take to accomplish the tasks which are yet to be completed.

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The research has so far dealt with literature review on the study topic. No challenge was experienced when researching on literature sources. The tasks which are remaining to make the study complete is carrying out a field work on the topic. The field work will be meant to collect information on how people regulate their moods. Views from common people as well as from experts from the field of psychology will be sought. In order to collect this information, questionnaires will be issued out to people of different ages asking different questions pertaining to mood regulation. There is a plan to carry out interviews with church clerks as well as with counsellors. The information collected will be analysed and finally conclusions drawn. This will help to identify any gaps in literature. Therefore an outline of the tasks remaining is as follows:

I. Developing of questions for the questionnaires and interviews

II. Administering the questionnaires and interviewees

III. Analysing the information collected and drawing possible conclusions from the information.

IV. Presenting the findings and presenting them in appropriate ways possible

Table 1 below is a time schedule for the above tasks:

Time required for completion

Development of questions

Administration of the questionnaires and interviews

Analysis of the information collected

Presentation of research findings

As seen from the above schedule 12 working days are required to bring the study to a completion. The next section below here examines what literature has on mood regulation.

Mood regulation: Aspects to Consider in Taking Control over Emotions

A Mood is generally a long lasting emotional condition that is instigated by a given event or stimulus. However the degree of the emotions varies from specific to intense. Different emotional feelings last for different durations. Mood is a product of energy and tension. To be specific, a mood can only be positive or negative. The following moods are termed as positive or good moods: happiness, optimism and determination. Alternatively, the following moods rare regarded as negative of bad moods:  fear, depression, sadness, anger, childhood trauma, stress, anxiety and hopelessness. Although mood is an internal state or feeling, it can be described from our behaviors like how we pose. People experience different kinds of emotions which define their lifestyles and behavior. When moods are disturbed for a long period of time, we refer to this as a mood disorder. Some of the common mood disorders are depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa and others which are rare like stroke and epilepsy. Different types of moods have different effects. Quality-specific moods influence the appraisal judgments characteristic of the corresponding emotions (Siemer 2001, pg 457; Gohm 2003, pg 594). Positive moods are highly associated with creativity and approach motivation of a kind like happiness. On the other hand negative feelings are associated with less creativity and avoidance motivation of a kind like fear and anxiety.

It is good to note that certain traits can be very influential in predisposing a given type of a mood. A personal trait like optimism can predispose a bad mood. The act of predisposing a present mood is the one we term as mood regulation. Different moods will hence be regulated differently depending on certain individual aspects. This essay will look into and analyze the different aspects to consider in regulating eminent moods or emotions for that matter. Notable is the idea that we necessarily regulate a bad mood to a good one but not the reverse. In addition, retrieving positive emotions may considerably improve human mood, and people should develop mood-congruent memory to have enough material to improve mood (Rusting and DeHart 739). It identifies neutral grounds for the control of the mood in question. Attention should also be placed on the ability of individuals to cope with different moods-bad moods in this case. This will largely depend on the possessed social skills that will contribute in their response to the mood in context (Segrin 380).

Religion is one of the significant aspects we need to consider and develop in controlling emotions of variant individuals. Mood and consequent attitude towards other people is tied to what and how somebody believes in. This is so because; different religions have different traits towards people of their religion and those of another religion. For example, Muslims and Christians seem to be on cross roads most of the time and poses different moods towards certain events or people. They equally support different lifestyles, mannerisms and teach different ideas and character traits. Hence in controlling the mood of an individual, religion or religious background is an important factor to put into consideration. Another factor is the aspect of a childhood trauma. These are the aspects of neglect and abuse during childhood. They can include emotional neglect and emotional abuse. Although there is a likelihood of remembering a good mood than a bad one, the memory of childhood trauma project different emotions and hold different capabilities of emotional control (Wessel 2001, pg 416). The memories of such traumas may bring on board total control of other bad moods while on the other hand, it may drive the moods out of control. Hence on taking control of emotions, childhood traumas and their effects should be considered at length.

Social skill is another factor to be considered in controlling emotions. As defined herein, social skill is the discharge or emission of characters which are positively reinforced by others. The presence of it or the lack of it brings the entire difference in emotions control (Segrin 2000, pg 380). Individuals with social skills will tend to share their feelings with others.  On the other hand, individuals with poor or with a deficiency of social skills tend to keep their feelings to themselves. On keeping to himself, it has been proved that this raises the levels of depression as a result of the disrupted social skills. This being a behavioral trait, it leads to a low positive reinforcement rate from the social environment which in turn initiates depression. Consequently, the society views this trait as aversive and hence will tend to avoid the depressed person as much as possible. This reduces the chance of the depressed person to receive any positive reinforcement and further accelerate his depression (Segrin 2000, pg 380). Thus in considering how to control the emotions of an individual, social skill possessed should be a point of consideration and conceptualization of social skills should be properly organized to combine with the human poor social skills to achieve a positive reinforcement.

Yet another factor of consideration in emotions control is the hormonal and gender aspect.  All the body functions, behaviors and for that matter emotions are subject to the control of hormones. Different genders posses variant reproductive hormones and have played a central historical role in the development of our understanding to how people behave at different times and ages. It is on record that women are more prevalent to depression, anxiety, fear, and sadness than men (Roca, Schmidt and Rubinow 2002, pg 1168). There are behavioral and mood changes during and before menstrual period in women. This is due to the parity in the hormonal secretions like that of estrogen, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (Roca, Schmidt and Rubinow 2002, pg 1170). These characteristics are however not present in men and in women at other times Thus in controlling emotions, the aspect of gender and hormonal effects should be considered. The aspect of age must be considered in controlling emotions. People of different ages possess different moods and equally have different capacities to cope with emotions. This is related to their understanding and reasoning. In controlling the emotions of individuals, we must consider their reasoning. The reasoning of a child and that of an elderly person are relatively low and hence controlling their emotions will require more time and effort to appreciate sense and reality. Their emotions also tend to be more intense compared to those of middle aged posing a great danger in controlling them (Gohm 2003, pg 595). On the other hand, a middle aged person even with intense emotions will exercise commonsense and utmost reasoning in controlling or while being helped to control their emotions.

Significantly, the level of education and professionalism will contribute to the aspects of consideration in emotions control. Individuals with high standards of illiteracy possess low levels of reasoning and understanding. Hence when it comes to emotions control, they will tend to cling to their emotions and hence hinder the control of the same. They will be driven by their emotions and hence will have no space for reasoning as they are not open minded. On the other hand literate people are flexible and easy to adapt in different scenarios.  This will aid in controlling their presumed bad moods. Self control is also another aspect that determines the intensity and effect of the emotions. Individuals with self control will control their emotions with ease and readily adopt positive enforcement. Lack of self control will on the other hand hinder the control of emotions and thus hinder mood regulation.

In conclusion, it is good to equip our mind with the fact that different stimulus or events cause different moods in humans. The effect of a mood is proved to be dependant on the intensity of the emotions tied to it, its positivity or negativity and the duration the mood persists. It is also evident that the capability to deal with a given mood varies from one person to another. Though good   moods are sweet to maintain, overexcitement may be risky. Bad moods are disturbing and dilute inner peace, hence need to be controlled to evade the dire consequences associated with them. However, in controlling the emotions, there are a number of aspects to consider since people are different and emotions are personal and thus not universal. According to different researches carried out, the following aspects warrant consideration in emotions control: religion, self control, age, gender and hormones, level of education, and social skills. The Subject hence the essence of finding the aspects that can help in regulating the moods effectively. However, further research should be carried out to address the diverse types of moods, their causes, and how to regulate them. I therefore recommend that on regulating the moods, then type of mood and the individual to be considered since inner feelings are risky to handle. In one of the emotional scenario: Mitchell is a young lady working in a financial company is being stressed by the idea that her boss does not appreciate her work. She is now in fear of losing her job. Dale Carnegie is quoted to have stated that we should develop success from failures. And that discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success (BrainyQuote 2010, Pg1). What should Mitchell do?


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