Free Poverty in Third World Countries Essay Sample

Third world countries can be defined as the nations that are economically, socially and politically unstable, and therefore, depend on other more developed countries. On the other hand, poverty can be simply defined as inability to sustain basic needs which are food, shelter, and clothes. In addition to this, poverty is also referred to as a lifestyle that denies and deprives one from opportunities and, to some extent, is characterized as a violation of human dignity. In other words, this is a challenge faced by people living in harsh conditions due to lack of money. Thus, it is clearly evident that poverty deprives poor people of decent lifestyle, proper medical care, and quality education system. Apart from this, poverty is a life full of challenging experiences, inconsistency, and unreliable sources of sustaining ones livelihood.

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Civic engagement revolves around the issue of representation of society or the public by an individual or a group of individuals collectively. The central role of civic engagement is to ensure that the society benefits in the long run. This is done from a social, political, and economic perspective. In other words, civic engagement enhances equality, freedom, and justice to all individuals in the society. By this, people are enlightened and empowered to equip themselves with skills that can be helpful in improving their economic status. As a result, this has helped them to improve the standards of their education system and the quality of services in healthcare institutions, and changed their lifestyles.

I. Education System

The form of education and the level of education standards in these countries are substandard and below average. Third world countries have low levels of education that is why students are forced to move to developed countries in order to access affordable and better education opportunities. This is one of the reasons why the poor continue lingering in the vicious cycle of poverty. Education in the slums is of low quality, and, therefore, gives students very few chances of joining universities, and other higher education institutions. Ghettos or slums are formed through rural urban migration as people move into urban areas in search of employment opportunities. They congregate in cheap housing areas where resources are scarce and social amenities lacking. The habitants in the slums tend to stay together in groups causing congestion and at the same time they raise huge families. They end up living in poor condition and competing for the few resources and social amenities available to large population segments.

In developing countries where there is ethnic diversity there are tribal conflicts that lead to wars and displacement of people in their own country. Conflict may also arise out of polarized political influences as those in power seek to hold on to their post through ethnical divisions of their voters. The results are that conflicts that may lead to populations being displaced within their own country. Slums can also result from unaffordable cost of living that characterizes the developing economies forcing people to scale down on their spending ending up in cheaper inhabitable housing. Ghetto has affordable things, although they are of low quality. People find themselves migrating to ghettos just to be able to live up to standard. Third world countries have a history of political conflicts that affects citizens and, as a result, disrupts the nations’ economic activities. In most cases, students are forced to drop out of schools until the violence stops. This has also created discrimination in schools, in which students from different background are treated differently.

In the past years, education standards in developing countries were much lower than those of developed countries. However, education standards in developing economies today are improving to catch up with the standards of the developed economies. Certainly, the quality of education in some third world countries is impressive enough to rival institutions in developed countries. Experiencing financial difficulties, some of these countries have worked extra hard despite economic challenges in order to ensure that their institutions have enough facilities to provide standard education. However, it is not easy, and they need assistance from wealthier countries so as to improve their standard.

II. Financial Stability

One of the major problems facing these countries is the lack of enough capital for investments. In adequate resources for investments purposes has been a major recurrent issue in developing economies and a source of low rates of economic growth slowing development. For instance, health care sector has been neglected due to lack of funds, and, therefore, affects the standards of the services provided in medical institutions. Health care management and problems retaining the poverty has been a burning issue for the past years. This means that health and poverty are closely related. Health care is so far one of the problematic aspects in all the developing economies. Affordable health care for the population however is not an issue facing the developing economies alone, developed countries such as the USA are also yet to eradicating this problem. According to the 2009 USA census, more than 49 million of US residents had no access to affordable health care. In the developing economies however, affordable health care are complicated by sub-standard Institutions and inadequate services. In addition the facilities have poor patient conditions and there is rampant mismanagement of funds. This has resulted into too many deaths and, therefore, has slowed down economic growth in developing countries.

Slums are also associated with unhygienic environment, thus, it leads to the transmission of diseases, especially in those areas where garbage is dumped. Besides, poverty is closely related to high birth rate, which is due to lack of education on family planning and negligence. Most countries in Africa have suffered from poverty and other calamities because of unsustainable population increases. Families have too many children who they even cannot afford to feed, not to mention to educate. Population growths rates that far outstrip increases in levels of food production have lead to calamities in developing economies. Thus, beside lack of proper medical services the populations in developing countries also faces nutrition challenges. This therefore plays a role in stunting the growth in these economies since for development a health skilled population is required.  

III. Lifestyle

Lifestyle is more of a culture than one’s race or background. Culture refers to the pattern that is practiced by individuals over and over again. It is transferred from generation to generation, and it eventually becomes their way of life. Culture is manifested through the people’s language, customs, literature, religion, and art. Ghetto is a section in the society where live people with financial difficulties or a low standard lifestyle. The term ghetto was first introduced in Venice and was used to define the section settled by the Jews. It is the section where the Jewish people were enslaved and kept away from the rest of society. The term ghetto was adopted from a Venetian word “ghetto” that means “slag”. Ghetto is also used to refer to the poverty-stricken areas, especially in urban centers. Nowadays, ghetto is just a home of people with low wage, where food, shelter, and clothes are so cheap that they are affordable to everyone.

To some extent, ghetto is known as the place of all types of crimes, such as robbery, and prostitution. Economic growth in the ghetto is very low, since the government does not invest in these areas, which is why people have no jobs. The infrastructure is also poor, which leads to poor growth of its sections. However, ghettos have risen from poor lifestyle through the determination of the new generation. Musician, athletes and other respected in the society people are brought up in ghettos. This is influenced by the need to improve the society status, and to help the people who are helpless.

Industrialization is one of the factors that differentiate a third world country from a developed country. Industrialization is the growth and development of industries that enhance economic growth. Hence, it has led to development of urban centre, since people were migrating to areas where job opportunities were. The world is changing at an alarming rate due to new discoveries, which have been made over the years. These were not possible before. As scientists continue to discover and invent new equipment, the world is adapting and incorporating them in the societies. As a result, the world is heavily dependent on inventions and machines. Moreover, because of the advanced technology, people are becoming more intelligent and hence they become able to carry out more researches of their own, as well as to make their own new inventions. And poverty has slowed advancement of technology in third world countries due to lack of resources.

Thus, the lifestyle in the ghetto and the method used for improving its economic standard was investigated in this paper. 


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