Free Sports Development Strategy England Essay Sample

The sports policy was established to address issues in line with the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. It was necessary that the country looks at the development of sports issues and systems in terms of its fitness for the purpose. The strategy was reviewed in 2007 by sport England over a mandate from the secretary of state for culture, media and sport. All this was with a view to improving community sport in England. From this backdrop therefore, during the better half of year 2008 sport England ran consultation with stakeholders from around the spots sector.

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This was made achievable from much support given by an external challenge group that was appointed by the minister. Therefore, sport England came up with a strategy for community sport in England for the period 2008-2011. This is a world leading community sport that will ensure  a good number of people from across the community engage in sport. It would also ensure that talent is identified at an early stage and nurtured. Moreover, it aimed at ensuring everyone who engaged in sport got a quality experience and fulfilled their potential. This would be achieved through a number of ways. It is therefore clear that the policy is the best way forward in improving sports in England.

The policy emphasized on the need to improve the talent pool in order to promote success in sports in England. This is an important aspect when it comes to games hence need to nurture it.  This would be achieved by enhancing a sports culture across the country. This is by ensuring sport England maintains its role in ensuring sport is used for social and economic benefits for the country. England has talent and it's thus from this backdrop that policies towards improvement of sports were put up.

The strategy identified there key bodies that would ensure achievement of its mandate. The three bodies include the youth sport trust which would ensure development of sports at school level. The other body was sport England which would ensure that there are facilities outside the school that would ensure development of sport. The third body was the national governing bodies that were expected to partner with sport England in developing modern sport     and club network. The national governing bodies were to be given greater freedom over funding issues for the sport .this was to be managed by a four year grant that would use the current multi stream funding. Furthermore, they would ensure they reach all the sectors of the society.

All sports are dependant on a strong coaching base. In this case therefore the sport England and the association of sport coach UK was to ensure they bring about competent and quality coaching staff. He sport coach association and the NGBs would both be involved in coming up with the best coaching staff. The more frontline coaching would be expertly deployed and this would then improve satisfaction and more so encourage participation. The three bodies would thus increase availability of high quality coaches in the key sport and this would go a long way in delivering the best results.

Sport England will further focus on the issue of volunteers in sports. This is based on the fact that volunteering has been noted as one of the strengths of community sport in England. It was noted that about 1.9m people volunteer in sport weekly giving in about an hour per week. When compared to the total work force this is quite a large number. Sporty England would therefore make proper use of this natural resource. This would be achieved by working wit the NGBs to ensure that the volunteers are retained. They would further ensure they are not misused by ensuring that professional support is put up to enhance the voluntary systems. In line with this sport England will partner effectively with volunteering England to ensure that best practice is maintained in deploying volunteers to the sector. In addition to these there is  going to be specific initiatives for instance  the program to  recruit  coaches which will ensure that sport England increases  voluntary coaching workforce who will further work with the youth sport to ensure the numbers are increased now to about 8000.

The strategy also focused on creating   a good environment for sport in the country for all more especially the young people. This in line with the fact that the strategy is aimed at creating opportunities for all. This would be achieved by ensuring that the NGBs strive to develop female sport and sport for the disable to ensure that they reach to diverse communities. This is achievable by ensuring that there is a range of opportunities for all young people. For the NGBs developing the girls and women's game, developing disability sport and reaching to the diverse communities is an important objective that it will be expected to achieve. All sports will be expected to go inline with this all else risk loosing funding.

The strategy is further aimed at establishing a simplified way of working. This is made possible by the fat that sport England only act as a supervisor and thus ensure that they give more autonomy to the NGBs. This reduces bureaucracy and will provide a smooth environment for management of sports. It is noted that this simplified way of working will reduce bureaucracy by ensuring that more funds are released. In this case therefore sport England will only act as the national strategic level commissioner that will uphold public interest by ensuring all its partnering bodies deliver. Value will be added to the sport by   development of centers of excellence and more so by providing regional and local knowledge on the delivery and the connectivity of its partners. This will enhance good working and efficiency by sports England and its delivery partners.

The strategy will be able to achieve its target and objectives by having a clear set of goals and measurable achievements that it's set to pursue and deliver. We not that among its goals of sports England ensuring that 1m people engage in sports by 2012-2013. They also aim at reduction in  post 16 drop off in at least five sports by 25% that is by 2012-2013. They also aim at improving the talent development systems in at least 25 sports. The other goal is to have a quantifiable increase in satisfaction though the actual measure would be defined later. Lastly sport England was aimed at delivering a major contribution on the five hour sport offer. We thus note that the goals they set are achievable. The mandate o is not an imposition but a clear strategy that would empower the experts and enthusiast in sport in building clear partnerships that are fit for this new era and beyond.

However, there are some key challenges that are facing the community sport. It was noted that with the Olympics due to be in London in a short period coming it was appropriate that they look at sport development systems and also look at fitness for that purpose. Sports England reviewed its strategies for community sport and with much consultation with stakeholders across the sport sector and the external challenge group that was appointed by the minister some challenges were identified. There were three key challenges noted. One of the challenges is that of increasing participation in sport, this is in the fact that only 20% of the population currently participate in sport. More than 51% of the population does not participate in any physical activity. The other challenge is that of tackling the drop-off. It was noted that every year quite a number of people drop off from sports more so after age 16 implying that about 25000 people drop out of sports every year. Finally, the third challenge they noted was that of developing talent. It was noted that it was quite a great task in ensuring that the successful track record of England's sporting elite is maintained. Therefore, they had to ensure that they go into each and every sport to nurture and maintain talent in the sport .

It is important to note that from its clear vision much is and will be achieved in improving sport in England. The vision of sport England states that their aim is to build the foundations of sporting success through creation of world leading sport system in England. This is an important guiding principle through which sport England will ensure that the policies and strategies set up bear fruition. The three key outcomes expected will thus form a sport system incomparable to none other in the world. We further note that the targets are much linked to the Olympics and the important role of the NGB funding round important in implementation.

In making an assessment of the policy we note that much has been and will be achieved in outlining a clear cut direction that sports in England will take. This is considering the fact that there was a great partnership in coming up with t he policies and strategies. It was all inclusive and was mapped out after much consultation with more than 100 stakeholders and thus giving it credibility in that much of the anticipated aspects were well covered.

From the partnership in this project we note the great importance of the NGBs and the roles they have p[played. This is in the fact that they are at the grassroots and so they certainly know the best way of tackling sporting issues. we note that the NGB have been important in reduction of the drop off in sports. This has been seen in that they have been seen to apply appropriate interventions. The performance indicators indicate that the 25% reduction in drop off will be achievable buy 2012-2013. This is in the fact that they will learn from approaches taken by individual sports and forge the best way forward.

With the role of sports England as a supervisor, it's worth noting that the role of the NGBs in improving sports has been boosted in that they now have economic freedom. This is a positive step in that bureaucracy has been reduced and hence giving the governing a proper and clear cut mandate. This will improve management of sports. Economic independence is important in that sports England only monitors the utilization of funds as NGB makes sure it is responsible.

The focus on the young people has also been an important aspect of the strategy in improving the sport. The youth trust mandated with improving sport among the young people at school level has proved to be an important venture. Sport England has further worked well with these youth trust in ensuring that sport facilities arte provided even out of school. This ensures that talent is not killed and drop off is limited as the morale of the sport is enhanced. This is through availing of adequate sporting facilities by sport England and thus developing sports.

The number of participants in sports has also been increased through this policy. This has been achieved in a number of ways. This has been seen in the reduction of drop off especially from schools. Much investment has been made on this in that 60% of the investment will be put towards this venture. In line with this the government has further focused on the issue of girls and the disabled. This has been achieved with the NGBs being mandated to improve on female sport. Furthermore, same emphasis has been put to improving the disable sport

It is important to note that the goals set up by the policy are realistic and more so achievable. This is seen in the proper [partnership and engagement of a number of stakeholders. Sport England the youth trusts and the NGB have played a great role in ensuring that then goals established arte well achieved. Public participation has been important in terms of volunteering and even participation in the games all these put together are an important recipe in the development of sport in England.

It is clear therefore that the sport England policy 2008-2012 has been a very an important venture in the improvement of sport in England. This has been seen in ensuring that all partners and stakeholders in sports play their rightful roles effectively in improving sports. To further nurture and improve sports the issue of talent and coaching has well been looked into and improved. Furthermore, the important role of coaches and volunteers has been elevated. We thus find that sort England. The youth trust and the NGBs roles are well essential in improvement of sport in England and the policy therefore is a well clear way of success in sports. This is from the clear road map set and the efforts of all stakeholders in support of the policy. It is thus clear that if well implemented the status of sports will reach greater heights second to none.


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