Free Subway Franchise Essay Sample
Subway franchise is a leader in the worldwide development of fast service restaurant industry. The company provides the best chances to individuals seeking the advancements of their businesses globally. Through the previous initiative of spreading out the company’s branches and services, the company has managed over two thousand and two hundred sub branches in seventy eight states in the world. The company has managed the immense growth through the provision of the best quality food under simplified operations. Subway franchise entails a dedicated structured that enables it to attain a smooth progress in its management. In addition, the company lobbies for more members willing to partner with it and improve the benefits through branches in every state.
The company operates under a strategy that poses their commitment to customers’ satisfaction by offering exceptional quality of services. The company concerns progressive improvement in all operations it indulges in. It embraces the necessity for urgency and stress on inventive, entrepreneurial measures in the business. Subway franchise anticipates fairness and respect prevalence in all their processes via the belief that success depends on convincing initiative at the individual level and the capacity to operate in unison.
The proclamations of the franchiser of the business enabled it to attain its current status through the initiative of the Doctor's Associates Inc., campaign of 1999. Currently, over 1,485 outlets are in several countries, and the United States possesses the highest number of about 12,000. The business began in August 1965 as Pete's Super Submarines from the partnership of DeLuca and Dr. Peter Buck in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Since the time of initiation, the business has evolved through various stages to become the current global leader in the restaurant industry. In 1974, there were partners who approached the company for association; therefore, the company initiated the first Subway franchise in Wallingford, Connecticut. In 1984, the company launched the first international Subway in Saudi Arabia. About one decade later (1995), the company had managed to open 11,000 Subways. Throughout this analysis, there is a proof that the business has attained significant progress throughout the ages in the industry.
All the branches of the Subway franchise undergo a common trend in their operations and production in the industry. Previous researches have harmonized all the business operations ranging from the benefits, employee qualifications and training. The research, shown by the Subway Development Corporation of Washington, confirms the uniformity in trends. The following statistical information is a proof to the subway situation.
Subway franchise is one of the most reputable corporations in the world. The business began as an ordinary partnership but has then realized sound revolutions in its systems. MacDonald’s corporate has posed a long term competition as a leader in the restaurant industry. Currently, Subway franchise has managed to surpass MacDonald and would like to remain at the apex of the industry. This desire calls for basic reforms and enhancement in new businesses systems to maintain higher productivity accompanied by profound innovations. Therefore, there is a need for a proposal that would target the collection of information from all the Subway branches, customers and the stakeholders to determine the way forward.
In order to achieve progress in the business, there is a need for an inclusive evaluation of the current financial status to offer a way for the stipulation of the demanded goals.
Research Design
The research will employ several research designs such as (1) experimental and quasi-experimental, (2) cross-sectional, (3) longitudinal, (4) case study, and (5) comparative. The selection of a particular design will depend on the design’s reliability, replication, and validity. This proposal will evaluate all the research designs basing on their merits, demerits and efficiency to determine the best design.
Experimental and quasi-experimental Design
An experiment incorporates an evaluation, where the researcher manipulates the degree of some independent determinants and then determines the outcome. Experiments constitute the most critical models for examining the attribute and the effect connections. Quasi-experimental design tends to evaluate whether an intervention possess the target effect on the subject participants. The experimental design is advantageous since the conditions, on which the result occurs can be variably chosen. Consequently, the design is easier to determine the accurate manifestation of the variable targeted on the result evaluated. Nonetheless, the design has a difficulty in ascertaining the external legitimacy of the experiment. This problem accrues from the frequency of nonrandom choosing procedures and the artificial feature of the experiment background (Marshall & Charlee 1999).
Cross sectional Design
The research design consists of the practice, where the subject sample members are examined at one specific time in their life time. The design benefits in its application because it can examine larger number of persons at a single moment. The analysis of larger sample quantities is vital in the provision of ready trend across a variety of data by application of little efforts. There are no errors resulting from individuals dropping out through the exercise since the study is performed only once. Cross sectional design is effective in identifying the association of the variables. Nevertheless, the study cannot provide the cost and effect of the data components. The process can not provide the chronology of events and their effects, therefore, lacks a vital aspect of research and connection.
Longitudinal Research Design
The design incorporates repeated assessment of subjects over a longer duration. The technique mainly targets the determination of change transpiring among subjects with respect to time. This design has a higher degree of precision of the information obtained. Imperatively, the design can avail information content that cannot be attained from other designs. Nonetheless, the design has numerous drawbacks such as the complexity in execution. The design is expensive and possesses numerous problems without dropouts.
Case Study
The case study consists of a comprehensive examination of a situation converse to a presumptive statistical survey. The method is essential in testing theoretical provisions by utilizing them in common life scenario. The method is utilized in attaining specific information from a complex set of data. The design creates analytic and problem solving techniques. Case study permits exploration of resolutions for complicated matters and provides an avenue for the application of current knowledge. However, it may not recognize the relevance of own circumstance and the inappropriate information can attribute to inaccurate results. Therefore, the technique is not suitable for initial stages of the research.
Research Methods
Participants or Research Subjects
The research will target a significant portion within the population to obtain the desired information, used for the analysis. Before the actual selection of the people to be used as source of information, the research will target the individuals who associate with the business at some points of significance. The business will involve different individuals to obtain different information. For instance, the business will involve the subway managers from several locations to ascertain the trends in business management from the locations. Alternatively, the research will seek information from customers of different Subway branches to ascertain what views people hold for business. The research will obtain information on the adjustments people prefer in business from inquiring the users of the Subway services.
The process will employ the selection of the sample groups through the use of random and non random criteria. The researchers will pick 10% of the 12,000 Subway managers in the United States of America to attain the random value. The research will attain the required number by applying the random number program to be (12000 * 10/100) = 1,200. The second process will be the non random process that will involve the selection of one hundred and twenty Subway managers from the branches in countries outside America. Throughout the process of sampling, there will be identification of strengths and weaknesses of these methods to act as the pre analytic basis for the determination of the reasoning of the attributes to the findings.
The research will also target the information from the public found in different places. There will be a random selection of five thousand people from the United States. These will form a significant group to provide vital information, concerning the franchise at a different level. The first 5000 people will be the customers, attending different Subway branches in the United States. The second selection will be selected from other different branches outside the United States. These groups will provide fundamental information that can be employed in the business evaluation for a critical rationale.
Data Collection Methods
The research will employ different instruments throughout to allow the provision of information, basing on various aspects. The data collection instruments will include: observations, surveys, focus groups, questionnaires and interviews (Ackroyd and Hughes 1981).
Surveys will involve the performance of a passive evaluation exercise on the marketing and developing trends of the business as manifested in different locations. Surveys can be applied, when determining customer requirements and specifications. The method would also be fundamental, when ascertaining the client or staff satisfaction by determining or prioritizing the challenges to address. During the examination and the eventual monitoring of changes, surveys could be essential to attain the required information. Surveys procedure would follow after the decision on the objectives and how the results would de used. There would be a decision on the persons to be surveyed and the most appropriate survey model. The survey would be tested before its availability for the actual research activity.
- It is the most appropriate method for addressing large populations and the description of their characteristics.
- Allows the utilization of larger samples quantities, which are feasible, and makes the statistical results more admissible.
- Allows for the standardization of information that can be comparatively deduced.
- Possess a considerable flexibility since several questions can be asked about a single topic.
- The researchers have to ascertain reply from several people.
- Participants may find hurdles in recalling and telling facts about controversial inquests.
Direct information involves a process of both seeing and listening by the examiners. The observation methods will encompass direct view of the activities, followed by actual recordings of the information. The focus groups will emphasize on the getting of information from groups of populace, concerning their utilization of the Subway facilities.
- Avails original information.
- Direct observation is straightforward.
- The method confirms data from different sources.
- Complements other data collection techniques.
- Direct observation does not offer complete data for comprehensive data.
- Possesses compromising validity and reliability.
- Consumes more time.
- Requires smaller sample quantities.
Data collection, using questionnaires, target larger groups and would prompt issuing of questionnaires to people at all locations with the Subway branches, from which the information would be targeted. The customers would fill in the questionnaires to express their opinions, concerning the company. Similarly, the managers of Subways from different zones would also be issued with the questionnaires to fill and enable for the grasping of their views for analysis. The questionnaires may avail in depth information on the situation since the intended designs will address all sections of the business and its interactions with the society.
- Allows for the collection of data from larger population sizes.
- The method is practical.
- The exercise can be performed by many researchers but has little effects on the method’s reliability and validity.
- The method can be used in standardization of other previous researches, when quantified.
- The method lacks proper validity.
- No one can ascertain the level of respondent’s truthful.
- The replies on similar questions are diverse among different individuals due to their different interpretation.
The criteria will employ the direct questioning of the subjects through conversations. Interviews are suitable in the investigation of data into details. This method operates via conversations, on which immediate response is obtained from the subjects. The exercise will also perform direct interviews from the public who form the service consumers of the Subway franchise, the managers and the staffs. In addition to the mentioned individuals, the method would also perform well in other groups such as children of eight years. The method is independent of literacy levels.
- Allows for the provision of information, concerning personal fillings and opinions.
- There is no external influence from the interviewee.
- Provides best conditions for asking more detailed questions.
- The reception of response rate is higher.
- The actual words of the respondents can be recorded.
- The process can be time consuming due to the many procedures involved such as interviewing, feedback and reporting.
- More expenses are involved in interviews.
- There may be different understanding and transcription of interview by different interviewers.
Subway franchise is a large company, whose evaluation would demand a comprehensive scope of data. The techniques, outlined in this proposal, would contribute to the realization of the research aims. Nonetheless, the degree of accuracy among the methods incorporated in this proposal varies significantly. The analysis of every criterion has provided a broader scope on each and the way, in which maximum admissibility can be obtained. Maximization on the research exercise would demand appropriate follow up of the criteria provided. This proposal is relevant to the scenario since it concurs with the business aims of corrections and expansion in every dimension. However, the proposal should act as a tentative suggestion, which is liable to changes.