Free Inclusive Education for Severe Disabilities Essay Sample

1.a) What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?

b) What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purpose

c)  How can these educational experiences be effectively organized

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2.a) Expressive arts

b) Health and well being

c) Languages

d) Mathematics

e) Religious and moral education

f) Science

g) Social studies

h) Technologies

3.a) Direct instruction: structured overview, lecture, explicit teaching, didactic questions and demonstrations.

a) Interactive instruction: debates, role playing, brainstorming, Peer Partner Learning, Discussion, Laboratory Groups, Cooperative Learning Groups, Tutorial Groups

b) Indirect instruction: Problem Solving, Case Studies, Reading for Meaning, Reflective Discussion, Concept Formation, Concept Attainment.

c) Independent study: Essays, Computer Assisted Instruction, Reports, Correspondence Lessons, Learning Contracts, Assigned Questions.

d) Experimental learning: Field Trips, Narratives, Simulations, Focused Imaging, Field Observations, Surveys.

e)  Instructional skills: Explaining, Demonstrating, Questioning Technique, Wait Time

4.  a) Direct assessment

b)Analogue assessment

c) indirect assessment

d) Idiographic assessment       

When teaching students with severe disabilities in the local school, normal class students are accorded exclusive chances to learn directly issues of human distinctions and similarities and how to interrelate with and handle members of society who have severe disabilities. Nondisabled students who have had chances to interrelate with students with severe disabilities develop more optimistic and accepting outlooks toward them than do students who did not have such chances. In addition, such interactions may reduce nondisabled students' fear of students with severe disabilities hence promoting understanding. When students with severe disabilities are full-time members of general education classrooms, the other students in the class serve as communicative partners.

Communication skills are important for a child with severe disabilities to learn since the child does not have full access to or full control of the multiple means by which most individuals communicate. It is also necessary to help them acquire few speech skills that enable them to express basic concepts. In addition, it will aid them to make their thoughts heard and be understood by others. Moreover, communication skills will assist them to acquire learning skills and applying them to differing contexts.

Teachers should recognize all students, not considering the severity of the disability, as persons who have something to say but who have severe difficulty making their thoughts heard and understood by others. They should also avoid expressing their aggravation at being not able to gain access to quality speech-language services students who do not speak in the presence of non-disabled students.

To a teacher, knowing that a certain student has a certain level of intelligence is of no use in designing a suitable educational program. Moreover, it is not appropriate to give an intelligence test to students who may not be able to hold their heads up, point or talk. In addition, educators of students with severe disabilities focus on the precise skills a child needs to learn, that is, communicating with others, controlling bowel and bladder functions, self-feeding, and getting from place to place separately rather than on intellectual levels.

Special education for students with disabilities should be focused on helping the students acquire the basic skills that can help them portray their ideas to others. It should not be focused merely on making the student pass the tests provided. Moreover, teachers should be very patient with such students and should not portray frustration when they can not comprehend the communication of these students.

All children, regardless of their physical status are educable. This is because disability is not incapability. The only slight difference is that educating students with disabilities takes a longer time than educating a nondisabled child. Moreover, some children with disabilities can demonstrate a better understanding than some nondisabled children.


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