Free Reiki Therapy: A Holistic Approach Essay Sample
Reiki treatment is a technique dating back to several centuries ago whose origin is Tibet. Its main objective is helping an individual relieve stress through relaxing and at the same time promoting healing. Reiki begun being popular in the West from the early 20th century and currently is being used in some hospitals to aid in pain relief in America and Europe (Vitale, 2009).
Research on the therapeutic effects of Reiki is very relevant especially today when a majority of people are turning away from conventional medication and flocking into alternative and natural therapies providers for medication (VanderVaart et al, 2009). It is therefore very important to what therapeutic effects Reiki has, whether it gives noteworthy treatment effects. Even though Reiki is presently being used broadly, for a range of physical and psychological symptoms, evidence concerning its effectiveness is inadequate and conflicting (Bossi et al, 2008).
A Vitale (2007) state that the clinical significance of Reiki to the nursing practices is the fact that this form of medication aids in reducing stress and relaxation. This hence elicits the natural healing abilities of the body while at the sane time enhancing and sustaining health. It works through promotion of the well being of the whole psychic; emotional and physical body as touching allows energy flow from coming from an unlimited source (God Force) through the practitioner to the patient. There is limited research however to substantiate this.
There are a number of legal and ethical issues that arise when it comes to the use of Reiki medication. The first question that presents incase of any kind of spiritual care is whether it is within the normal care for the condition of the patient. As this medication entails touching, it has ii be observed whether vital limits are being observed, like privacy and touch. Additionally, it is important to establish if the physician is ignoring essential conventional care or over relying on spiritual medication other than medical care (Cohen, 2010).
Cohen (2010) asserts that another consideration that exists is whether the physician employs evidence-based practice and the reliability of the information. Furthermore, possible disagreements to the spiritual care and/or unfavorable interaction with conventional therapies are also considered. Obtaining a license and having required credentials is also one another area of concern. These are just but a few ethical and legal issues relating to Reiki practice.
Special considerations have to be given to those individuals who do not like being touched. There are people who feel that being touched by the physician is unethical and therefore they have to be made to understand this prior to getting any services (Cohen, 2010). A disparity could be realized here when a patient does not want hands to be laid upon them by treatment being done with hands away from their bodies, for instance 3-4 inches away. When it comes to children, it has to be ensured that there is no risk of liability for neglect or abuse.