Our Guarantees

When you buy essays from BestWritingService.com, you are getting work that meets the highest standards in the industry. Whether you buy term papers for high school or buy research papers for a post-graduate thesis, you can be assured of professional quality writing from our custom writing service. We are so confident in the level of service that we provide, we have guarantees covering all aspects of our services.
Original Work

Original Work

We guarantee that when you buy essays from BestWritingService.com, it will be completely unique and custom written for you. Each piece is tested with our state-of-the-art internal plagiarism software. If you can show any proof of plagiarism (provide a plagiarism report), you can apply for a refund. Our Refund Department will investigate the issue and respond within 3-4 business days or even quicker.

Exceeding your expectations

Exceeding your expectations

We always do our best for our client's satisfaction in the papers we provide. If you buy research papers from BestWritingService.com and discover that your writer did not follow initial instructions precisely, we will revise your paper free of charge, if you request a revision during 2 days after the order has been completed.

University Qualified Writers

University Qualified Writers

When you buy essays from us, they are written by our staff of expert writers fully competent as well as experienced in producing the level of writing required in the discipline you need.

Revisions and Refunds

Revisions and Refunds

We guarantee on time delivery of any needed revision or amendment. Usual time for revision is up to 48 hours. You can apply for a refund within 14 days after the order deadline expiration if there is a solid reason. Learn more here



Availing yourself of our custom writing service will be done in the strictest privacy and confidence. Our writers are not even privy to your personal details and part of their contracts include a confidentiality clause.

Complete Source List

Complete Source List

Each paper is referenced in the style of your choice with a complete bibliography provided at no extra charge.

On Time Delivery

On Time Delivery

We guarantee that when you buy term papers from our service, the finished work will be delivered on time, according to the originally settled deadline.

First Rate Quality

First Rate Quality

All of our papers are custom created by former professors with MDs or PhDs from the full spectrum of academic disciplines. We guarantee that every paper we provide meets the standards of the First Rate Quality or we will revise the paper at no charge. You are free to request a revision within 48 hours after deadline expiry, but your revision comments should not contain any new instructions.

No Resale Guarantee

No Resale Guarantee

As a custom writing service, BestWritingService.com creates unique and original works for each order we receive. The resulting products are never resold, given away or hired out at any time for any reason.

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Higher Guarantees

Higher Guarantees Than Those of Our Competitors

We provide solid guarantees to our customers, which our competitors do not have. Simply check it out and you will surely be pleased with the final results!